The survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the English people say they can't give up fast food because it's delicious.
The English people are the world's biggest fans of fast food, while the French are the least interested in quick meals, according to a survey done last year.
Your friend John, as he is known among the English people on board, has a good baritone voice.
For the next hundred years or so after the Danish invasions, the English people lived in peace.
But the FA can't be responsible for all the English people travelling to South Africa next summer.
The English people will put on (the hands of) their clocks one hour for summer time the day after tomorrow.
Its application in daily life, in fact, mirrors the deep-rooted ideology and cultural psychology of the English people.
It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and English language were born.
Perhaps now the English people appreciate the work of their dustmen rather more highly, and won't take them for granted any more.
The appearance of the English word "state" and the changing of its connotations are closely connected with the fusion of the English people.
Therefore, with the more frequent communication between the English people and the Chinese people, there is a great demand for more research in English idioms.
But this time, the English people did not allow their language to be swallowed up by a foreign language in the way their Celtic and early Anglo-Saxon ancestors had.
Wales is poorer and more agricultural than England and, because the Welsh have their own language, they do not feel themselves nationally or culturally to be a part of the English people.
Travelling alone as I was, with an attendant, brimming with health and spirits, and conspicuous with my gold-worked cap, all the English people I came across in the train made much of me.
Comic Relief can't get all the money from the Red Nose Day exhibition. Why do many English people do "silly" things sometimes?
You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.
Each of these characteristics sharply distinguishes the 21,000 people who left for New England in the 1630s from most of the approximately 377,000 English people who had immigrated to America by 1700.
In the villages of the English countryside there are still people who remember the good old days when no one bothered to lock their doors.
The survey found that young people would improve their job prospects if they studied business, maths, English and physics or chemistry at A-level.
调查发现,如果年轻人在商务、数学、英语、物理或化学等学科中取得A 等成绩,他们的就业前景会更好。
In Britain, for example, there are courses which teach English for doctors, lawyers, reporters, travel agents and people working in the hotel industry.
The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary which people from many different countries brought to Britain and that is why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people.
The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that, for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together.
Although Dutch is the official language, most people in Amsterdam speak English and are happy to help you with directions.
"People like me may be making a difference in a small way," Jan McCourt, a onetime investment banker now running his own 40-hectare spread in the English Midlands stocked with rare breeds.
When the French ruled England, French was the official language, and only the common people spoke English.
Many people come to the English corner, including some English speakers from the UK and the US.
When people write in English, they use letters of the alphabet.
It's helpful to speak with other people who are still going through the course of learning English.
It's helpful to speak with other people who are still going through the course of learning English.