On the question of the enlightened gentry.
But for the enlightened few, the benefits are bountiful.
The enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright.
The enlightened man highlighted his mighty insight into the fright.
“Buddha” is interpreted to mean “awakened one” or “the enlightened one.”
When out on a picnic, the Master said, "Do you want to know what the Enlightened is like?"
The enlightened Ones in Buddha Sakyamuni's time used to be as ordinary and ignorant as us.
Their name means' the Enlightened Ones'. They were physicists, mathematicians, astronomers.
You continue with the "open" bar, with the long, and perhaps of the enlightened can really point.
The term food miles how far food has traveled before you buy it has entered the enlightened lexicon.
Ugly things can be charming sometimes. In the eyes of the enlightened, everything has its own beauty.
THE term "food miles" - how far food has traveled before you buy it - has entered the enlightened lexicon.
So the Spirit can be only known through the enlightened attention which you have, and it can be only enlightened by the light.
The enlightened, so the plum tree transplantation hill to the foot of the mountain, we all go to the lamb that buy delicious plums.
I will not deal with these streams in detail, for many of them represent levels of consciousness that the Enlightened Ones work with.
Another good idea is taking one of the Enlightened squads out to use their EMP, and then garrisoning it back in the Reckoner to keep it safe.
Meanwhile, the thesis points out after following the form, the style and the school, going towards the enlightened architecture with cultural…
For the enlightened soul, the non-local awareness within is now the most concrete, real and permanent reality, and sensory waking experience is derivative of that.
In the developed world, we see the enlightened, progressive image the industry presents of itself — green, clean, caring, and intent on making the world a better place.
The elder Ananda uttered this verse : Then was a terrifying awe, Then was a horrifying dread, When he of all the marks possessed, The Enlightened, had Nirvana reached (17).
There are differences between the enlightenment of May fourth movement and the enlightened idea of the modern west due to the difference among sino-western traditional cultures.
So, you have to know how to use this living force to keep your body, mind, ego, superego and everything in the enlightened state, by understanding the planning of the living force.
But the speed and ease of the transition, is something that you can affect. It's all a matter of what you choose to do with the enlightened fragment of Divine awareness that you now possess.
There is no swifter, more moving, or more powerful practice for invoking the help of the enlightened beings, for arousing devotion and realizing the nature of mind, than the practice of Guru Yoga.
若想祈求觉悟者的帮助,激起恭敬心或证悟自性,没有任何法门比“上师相应法”(Guru Yoga)更快速、感人和有力。
Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to your good deed, at the very least, the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment.
Even if there is no concrete benefit paid in response to your good deed, at the very least, the doer of the good deed has the opportunity to enjoy a kind of spiritually enlightened moment.