Their technical specifications conform to the enterprise standard.
Testing voltage and method shall be specified in accordance with the enterprise standard.
The quality of the tribasic lead sulfate synthesized can meet the enterprise standard(HG2340-1992).
To enhance the enterprise standard participation, should study from the enterprise itself, policy, rule, technology, b...
This company product guarantees the quality, achieves the related national profession standard and the enterprise standard.
All the cashmere fancy wrapped yarn products meet the requirements for qualified products stipulated in the enterprise standard.
When these parameters are used in industrial production, the quality of the product will be better than that specified for Grade one in the enterprise standard.
The enterprise standard system consists of 4 series, which has not only consistence with the quality, career health safety and environment systems, also differences from them.
Procedures should include common errors and how to correct them as well as standard setup procedures for introducing new hardware and applications to the enterprise.
Analysts acknowledge that RIM (RIMM) remains the gold standard in the enterprise for now, but Apple is gaining traction in the corporate world.
As you read in the first article in this series, you use a resource adapter to connect your application to an enterprise information system (EIS) in a standard way.
Using standard data transformation tools such as an enterprise service bus or message broker can greatly simplify the task of transforming messages and data streams into a well-defined data format.
The image above shows SAP's enterprise portal product in a standard visual design.
There is an industrywide push to come up with XML specifications that define the enterprise information model and a set of standard service operations to be used with the model.
It is an enterprise standard. As the story goes, no one has ever been fired for buying Microsoft.
Involvement in standard bodies also provides enterprises with the opportunity of influencing standards bodies to ensure that industry standards are relevant to their enterprise.
Driving this growth will be the adoption of the new web standard HTML5, increased mobile broadband coverage and the need for always-on collaborative services for the enterprise.
The J2EE specification is the standard for developing, deploying and running enterprise Web applications.
The SAP system used for this article is a standard installation of SAP Process Integration V7.1 (64-bit), running on a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition.
本文使用的SAP系统是SAPProcessIntegrationV7.1 (64-bit)的标准安装。它在WindowsServer 2003Enterprisex64Edition上运行。
The persistence bundle makes use of another standard feature of enterprise OSGi, JPA integration, to take advantage of managed persistence.
Our examples are based on standard SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (SLES10) installations, but savvy users of other distributions should be able to adapt the methods shown here.
本文的示例基于标准的SUSELinuxEnterpriseServer10 (SLES10)安装,但是使用其他版本的明智用户也应该可以采用文中展示的方法。
Here the best example remote application service is Google Apps, which provides several enterprise applications through a standard Web browser.
Options include leveraging portlet-level integration across applications, leveraging Web-browser-based access to a portal, and standard approaches using the Enterprise Service Bus.
可用的选择包括:利用应用程序间的portlet 级的集成、利用对一个门户的基于 Web浏览器的访问,以及使用EnterpriseServiceBus的标准方法。
Starting with a nontrivial enterprise application example, you'll use Geronimo's deployment tool to deploy, and control the lifecycle of, many standard J2EE deployable modules.
The standard existing enterprise architecture frameworks (including TOGAF, Zachman, and FEAF) share a similar history.
IBM Lotus Sametime Standard offers integrated, enterprise instant messaging, VoIP, video chats, and Web conferencing capabilities with the security features required for business use.
Some organizations even adopt the industry standard models as their internal enterprise logical models and canonical message models.
This edition includes core database features and is easy to upgrade to the Standard or Enterprise edition.
This also avoids the pitfalls of extending industry standards to accomodate communications with domains outside of an industry standard that exist within an enterprise, for e.g. HR.
This also avoids the pitfalls of extending industry standards to accomodate communications with domains outside of an industry standard that exist within an enterprise, for e.g. HR.