We had been shown numberless skeletons of a kind of little fly, called an ephemera, whose successive generations, we were told, were bred and expired within the day.
Sometimes he glanced over the magazines and newspapers to see how "Ephemera" was being maltreated.
In case you've missed the recent flood of bondage-themed ephemera, allow me to fill you in.
And I'll close with you on the bet. I'll wager anything you want that 'Ephemera' is accepted either on the first or second offering.
Then the tribute the mob paid him was a sorry tribute indeed, for that same mob had wallowed "Ephemera" into the mire.
The publication features original essays by ten leading scholars, biographies of more than 150 artists, and over 400 reproductions of artwork, ephemera, and images of the artists.
"life is like Ephemera in the world, a drop in the sea", in the vast universe, life is short.
"life is like Ephemera in the world, a drop in the sea", in the vast universe, life is short.