Here is his final prayer and benediction. It is one of the greatest prayers in any of the epistles. Notice three wonderful statements.
Beside the grave you'll often find epistles, teenage attempts at romantic poetry scrawled on notepaper, and lovingly dedicated letters.
We saw presbyters and deacons,and bishops in a certain sense, in the Pastoral Epistles,but they weren't carefully formed into a three-tiered institution of offices.
Are the Pastoral Epistles attacking this author?
There are roles that women can play in the Pastoral Epistles, but not in authority over men.
The Pastoral Epistles are called "pastoral" because it presents Paul as writing to Timothy and Titus, two of his followers, but he's telling them how to be good pastors of a church.
Demos is mentioned in the Pastoral Epistles as someone for forsook Paul, "being in love with the present world," is what it says,so this writer is talking--using the same name.
It's the writer of the Pastoral Epistles.
This will be important because that kind of reciprocity doesn't exist when you get to the Pastoral Epistles.
The writer of the Pastoral Epistles teaches that it's the enemies of Paul who forbid marriage.
I actually tend to think that the Pastoral Epistles were probably written sometime in the second century, and maybe even toward the middle of the second century.
The first epistle bears no clue to its authorship, but in the other two epistles the author calls himself "the elder."
In the process, Baur rejected the traditional attribution of a number of Epistles to Paul.
There are fewer researches about Liu Zongyuan s epistles among the investigations of his writings.
Paul's Epistles, but they are used very sparingly in the practical parts, which resemble the Pastorals.
This epistle has the character of a strictly private letter, and is the only one of such epistles preserved to us.
This epistle has the character of a strictly private letter, and is the only one of such epistles preserved to us.