In terms of provisions of the basic treaties, the European Court owns the unalienable right to explane the EU Law.
The EU law is a completely new type of law that has never existed, whose formation and application are, to a great extent, dependent on its judicial explanation.
The European Commission can issue more warnings before it can take a government before an EU court, where it may be ordered to change national law or face daily fines.
However, existing EU law requires the new agreement to mesh with all other EU treaties, which may be awkward.
It is understood that Cameron will drop his pledge to hold a referendum on the treaty on the grounds that it is impossible to open a treaty that has entered EU law.
A new law must now be passed to give the German parliament greater EU oversight.
The court asked the German parliament to pass a new law to give itself more say over EU affairs.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) sits in Luxembourg and ensures compliance with EU law.
Under EU law, used electronic equipment can be exported only if it's still working, but Greenpeace had made sure the TV was unusable.
Among its recycling tips are contacting the local council to ask it to pick up unwanted large electrical products - they must collect under EU law, but may charge a fee.
At issue was the EU Directive on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts, transposed directly into English law in 1999.
Last year the EU passed a law requiring its members to draw up rules for CCS.
America, for example, is furious about a recent EU law on the chemicals industry in Europe which has consequences for the whole world because of Europe's importance as a market.
If the sovereignty act suggests that EU law loses its primacy over domestic law, however, the European Court of Justice might strike it down.
The EU is responsible for only 14% of the total;its likely commitment would also involve cutting no more emissions than it is already bound to under European law.
The EU is responsible for only 14% of the total; its likely commitment would also involve cutting no more emissions than it is already bound to under European law.
Google said it was working with the commissioner, and remains confident it operates within EU competition law.
An EU measure called Rome III, now under negotiation and pencilled in to come into force in 2008, tries to ensure that the marriage is ended by the law that has governed it most closely.
欧盟又推出了“罗马三号(Rome III)”措施,目前还在协商修改中,将于2008年正式生效。该措施旨在确保婚姻由与其关系最为密切的法律来终结。
The final area of change is probably a common theme, but UK tax law has been very influenced by EU laws restricting anti-competitive activities.
The general legal principles, formed in EU practice by a variety of legal cases, is an important part of EU law.
The unification of EU Company Law moves forward continuously, and the 8th Directive concerning statutory auditing is part of EU Company Law.
International law suggests that Europe must offer asylum to every genuine refugee who reaches the EU.
Similarly, the European Courts will be continue to be bound by the same EU rules currently in force and will continue to respect choice of law clauses as well.
A second possibility however is that leaving the EU would actually have little impact on environmental law and policy in the UK and there are two reasons for that.
EU income taxation law plays an important role for the free movement of persons, services and capital within the Common Market.
The EU income taxation law plays an important role in the free movement of persons, services and capital within the common market.
Chapter Four serves to provide much enlightenment to international law in the wake of EU law.
Chapter Four serves to provide much enlightenment to international law in the wake of EU law.