The Euclidean distance is usually chosen as the similarity measure in the conventional K-means clustering algorithm, which usually relates to all attributes.
The Euclidean distance is usually chosen as the similarity measure in the conventional K-NN algorithm, which usually relates to all attributes.
The (Euclidean) minimum weight triangulation (MWT) of a planar point set is a long-standing open problem in the fields of computational geometry and algorithm design.
To reduce the computation time, a new 3d Euclidean distance transformation algorithm was adopted to compute the distance map of the medical image.
For the anomaly detection in the vibration time series of the rotor system, a real-valued negative selection algorithm based on Euclidean distance has been implemented.
The TCQ algorithm takes advantage of convolution code, and enlarges the Euclidean distances among quantized data by expanding data dimensions.
Extended Euclidean Algorithm is selected to realize inversion from the standpoint of saving time.
From the motions of three mutually orthogonal translations (TMOT), we develop a novel algorithm for 3d structure recovery and direct Euclidean reconstruction.
From the motions of three mutually orthogonal translations (TMOT), we develop a novel algorithm for 3d structure recovery and direct Euclidean reconstruction.