Nothing lies closer to the reproductive engine of the evolutionary process.
Stratigraphic compaction is related to the evolutionary process of the basin.
Man, no less than the lower forms of life, is the product of the evolutionary process.
"Changes are a normal part of the evolutionary process," says oncologist William Haywar.
The evolutionary process of an ore deposit includes its formation, transformation, and also preservation.
Evolutionary game theory combines the game theory analysis with the dynamic analysis of the evolutionary process.
The evolutionary process of Qidan's poetry show vividly how Qidan nationality was assimilated by Han nationality.
This study aims to enhance the trust management in construction project team from the evolutionary process of trust mechanism.
Using system dynamics models and methods, this paper analyzed the evolutionary process of organization capability and inertia.
Evolutionary game theory is a theory of combining the game theory analysis with the dynamic analysis of the evolutionary process.
Without cooperation, the evolutionary process cannot work; and without trust, no cabal of experts can act as an ultimate arbiter.
With the addition of fire to the evolutionary process, we are able to grow and expand beyond what we have known or already created.
In contrast, an OLAP system often spans multiple versions of a database schema, due to the evolutionary process of an organization.
Is it bad news for humans if in some sense the "point" of the evolutionary process is something bigger than us, something that subsumes us?
Its isolation and varied terrain make it a living laboratory for scientists studying evolution and the impact of geography on the evolutionary process.
The paper briefed the evolutionary process of supporting technique in drift, from which the new kind of grouting reinforcement technique was derived.
Third, this paper USES empirical research on Chengdu Hi-tech industrial cluster and meantime determines the current stage of the evolutionary process.
What looks like a crisis of confidence in the dollar as a reserve currency is just part of the evolutionary process that will eventually halt the dollar's decline.
The evolutionary process is provided with some characters of dissipative system, such as an open system far from the balanced state, the non-linear and fluctuation.
The study is of practical significance for analyzing the evolutionary process of source rocks in thrust belts and the control factors of phase distribution of hydrocarbons.
The paper emphatically probe into metamorphism type, and counted the metamorphic temperature as main influence factor a nd simulated the evolutionary process of metamorphism.
The British philosopher Herbert Spencer described this struggle as "survival of the fittest." But biologists use the term "natural selection" to describe the evolutionary process.
英国哲学家休伯特.斯宾塞将这一斗争描述为“适者生存”(survivalofthe fittest),但生物学家则将这一用语用“自然选择(natural selection)”这个术语来表达物种进化过程。
The layout of each sequence is fixed by heuristic location algorithm, and then evaluates it by fitness evaluation function, to ensure the good sequence can be preserved in the evolutionary process.
The shapes are very dissimilar, reflecting the evolutionary parameters of each process.
This is a new evolutionary process because all of the three critical stages - copying, varying and selection - are done by those brains.
I believe that what we are now seeing, in a vast technological explosion, is the birth of a third evolutionary process.
I believe that what we are now seeing, in a vast technological explosion, is the birth of a third evolutionary process.