The excess liquidity has been causing inflation.
The excess liquidity has led to the resurgence of asset bubbles.
Then, this article analyzes how the excess liquidity affects real estate prices in China.
Because inflation remained low, the central Banks have been slow to mop up the excess liquidity.
The excess liquidity was soaked up by the stock market, which gave the appearance of economic growth.
The central bank can try to "sterilise" the impact of bigger reserves by selling securities to mop up the excess liquidity.
It is likely that all the excess liquidity central Banks have released will turn into inflation through the commodity market.
At present, the excess liquidity result of long-term huge BOP surplus will make an impact on the stable operation of economic.
The widening gap between the Labour productivity increase and the consumption preference leads to the excess liquidity that feeds bubbles.
It looks like that the excess capacity is the external environment of Banks and the excess liquidity is the result of internal management of Banks.
As the excess liquidity in the global economy will be gigantic by then, the tightening will probably trigger a global crisis as asset bubbles burst.
However, the objective judgment on whether the excess liquidity exists or not is the key for people to understand this problem scientifically and solve it.
Meantime, maintaining an artificially low value for the renminbi creates excess liquidity in China.
Sceptics retort that the calm of markets is an illusion caused by benign economic conditions and excess liquidity.
So once confidence returns, the Fed must act to withdraw excess liquidity and raise interest rates.
Mr Roubini believes that the room for sterilisation by Asian central Banks is severely limited and so rising reserves mean even greater excess liquidity.
A year ago the BoJ declared deflation dead and ended its five-year experiment with "quantitative easing", which involved flooding the market with excess liquidity.
After the US lifted its debt ceiling, many speculated that another round of quantitative easing is around the corner, which could mean excess liquidity in emerging countries.
These deposits comprise another huge pool of excess liquidity on the Fed's balance sheet that doesn't immediately affect circulated currency.
The Fed printed money to pay for these T-bills, so there is excess liquidity that is trapped in time-sensitive debt.
美联储通过印制钱币来支付这些短期国债,因此,流动性过多这部分被困在对 时间敏感的短期国债之中了。
The Fed also plans to use reverse repurchase agreements to reduce excess liquidity. In a reverse repo, the Fed lends securities for a set period, draining cash from the banking system.
In the case of excess domestic liquidity would have been, coupled with the inflow of hot money abroad, domestic commodities including cotton must be sought after by the funds.
It selects the quarterly data from 1995 to 2009 as samples to Empirical analyze the conditions of liquidity excess in China.
本文选取1995 - 2009年的季度数据作为样本,对我国流动性过剩状况进行了实证分析。
It selects the quarterly data from 1995 to 2009 as samples to Empirical analyze the conditions of liquidity excess in China.
本文选取1995 - 2009年的季度数据作为样本,对我国流动性过剩状况进行了实证分析。