This is a document drafted by the Executive Council World Federation for Medical Education(WFME).
The Executive Council which is accountable to the Congress is the standing organ of Guangxi Lawyers' Congress.
It advises on matters and activities in the general interest of ICOM, as recommended by the Executive Council.
If the Chief Executive does not accept a majority opinion of the Executive Council, he shall put the specific reasons on record.
The Executive Council, as a policy making organ of the OPCW, plays an important role in the course of the Convention’s implementation.
If the Chief Executive does not accept a majority opinion of the Executive Council, he or she shall put the specific reasons on record.
The Executive Council normally meets once a week, and its proceedings are confidential, although many of its decisions are made public.
行政会议通常每周举行会议一次, 会议事项保密,但很多决定都向外界公布。
The Executive Council establishes the agenda of the General Assembly and convenes the Assembly at least thirty (30) days before the date fixed for the meeting.
She deputises for the Chief Executive when he is not able to discharge his duties for a short period, and is the Senior Official Member of the Executive Council.
The 63rd session of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) opened in The Hague, The Netherlands, on 15th February, 2011.
Article 22 the chairman of the executive council or the board of directors or the principal of a privately-run school shall serve as the legal representative of the school.
Section 1. Adoption of Policies. The Executive Council shall adopt, and may amend, such Policies and Rules as are required to give effect to the provisions of these Statutes.
Disbursements. Expenditure of ICOM funds may be made only in accordance with the annual budget prepared under the guidelines established by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Council.
Cyprian Nyamwamu is executive director of the National executive Convention Council and a leader of the National Civil Society Congress, which has advocated reducing the number of Cabinet posts to 21.
Many new businesses have opened on the town square, and sales triple when the Swamp Gravy show is on, according to Jennifer Trawick, executive director of the local arts council.
"It is crippling the economy in all of the rivers where we depend on commercial fishing for income," said Nick Andrew Jr., executive director of the Ohagamuit Traditional Council.
Chief Executive Officer Indra Nooyi created a council in September to better coordinate sales of snacks and beverages after the company reduced its full-year profit forecast.
首席执行官Indra Nooyi九月成立委员会以求更好的协调快消食品和饮料的销售,在此之前,公司下调了全年收益预期。
Policy is set by the bank's governing council, which consists of the 17 heads of euro area central Banks plus the six members of the executive board, which includes Mr. Trichet.
Earlier he was Executive Secretary for the African Groundnut Council and the West Africa Rice Development Association.
a great-uncle was the first Bengali to serve in the governor of Bengal's executive council.
Chief Executive Officer of Cancer Council Australia Ian Olver says the study highlights the need for more research into red meat consumption.
澳大利亚癌症协会的行政总裁Ian Olver说研究突出表明需要更多地研究牛羊肉消耗。
He is also a technology working group member of the Executives' Club of Chicago and serves on the Sun Microsystems Executive Advisory Council.
他还是芝加哥高管俱乐部(ExecutivesClubof Chicago)的技术工作组成员,并为Sun卫微系统的执行顾问委员会服务。
Dr Wood is also executive director of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, which, among other things, lists the official heights of skyscrapers.
The Chief Executive in Council referred 11 approved plans back to the TPB for further amendments.
The Chief Executive in Council referred 11 approved plans back to the TPB for further amendments.