If one lives only in his own feelings, he will not notice the existence of others and end up being a loner.
More fundamentally, the existence of the forum marks a shift in the way diplomats and others go about trying to solve conflicts that shatter lives and communities in different parts of the world.
It has become apparent to me that I cannot wipe out the pains of existence by denying them, blaming them largely or completely on others, or running away from them.
Some analysts posit the existence of rival factions of "young wolves" and "old wolves" (the former friends of Mr Lukashenka's son Viktar, the others old KGB men).
Given the many therapies in existence, there can be little doubt that some of them do what they are supposed to. Many others are likely to be ineffective or can even be harmful.
When others and their views are different, to allow the existence of other opinions, to retain their views.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky. "You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident."
Death image appeared everywhere in Luxun's mid-term works, in which an attitude towards the existence of oneself was reflected by the attitude of citizens to the death of others.
His way of recording and imagining history is different from others, which is about the disappearing existence.
It may be that changes in the lives of others are reshaping your existence. Or it could be that the actual relationships are in transition.
Still, the existence of a lot of LIFO companies, plus the likelihood that some others will join the crowd, ensures some further increase it the reported turnover of inventory.
To further strengthen their claims, first they need to find the graveyard of the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and others... to show the existence of their pioneers.
The couple, who have not been publicly named, were adopted by different families at birth and never knew of the others' existence.
Huizi integrated the same and the difference to deny the difference of the objective existence. He only emphasized one aspect of thing, and neglected others. So he came down to be a sophist.
I enjoy communicating with people and helping others, which makes me feel the sense of existence.
The teleological or "design" argument advanced by Aquinas and William Paley, among others, urges us to infer from the well - orderedness of nature the existence of a supreme designer.
The teleological or "design" argument advanced by Aquinas and William Paley, among others, urges us to infer from the well - orderedness of nature the existence of a supreme designer.