If the broader scientific community is included in the fact-finding, Greely doesn't expect the evidence to be admitted.
If the goal of the "fact" takes one kind of value directions to the judge for "not wrong to deviation procedure", the fact-finding lose its legal significance.
The answer is, in fact, there is zero, absolutely zero probability of finding a electron here.
But what we're finding is that all this time we've been ignoring the fact that they're actually learning a new language.
It is a fact-finding experience, which involves not only the information the other provides, but our feelings and reactions to it and to them as a potential partner.
In fact, one of the biggest current obstacles would be finding batteries capable of keeping the smartphone camera on for extended periods.
The fact that you're finding it hard to make yourself do something is a sign that maybe you should be doing something else.
But are they; in fact, our attempts at finding answers to questions about our origin and destiny, and discover our role in the big picture of creation?
I like doing podictionary but what I don’t like is finding myself at the end of a week stressing over the fact that I haven’t prepared episodes for next week.
In fact, for the most part, the hardest aspect of EC2 provisioning is finding a particular virtual machine that suits your tastes.
The fact that ASDI was evaluating this proof-of-concept system as a real-world system and finding so few flaws in our implementation of requirements was a strong victory for us.
Normally when we go on this sort of fact-finding mission the reporter's notes are off the record but we asked for permission to publish them as-is.
Once you're no longer reeling from the shock, go on a fact-finding mission.
Once you sit down to talk, forget personal feelings and think of the discussion as a fact-finding mission.
Despite of heated debates all over the Internet, it is a fact that social networks and open source approaches are no longer just for individuals, but are finding their way into enterprise.
It's worth spending the extra effort to put these examples to work [by automating them] preventing defects rather than finding them after the fact.
In fact, that finding allowed scientists to figure out recently why the males of some species of birds did not appear to have brighter plumage than the females, Dr. Neitz said.
It surfaced publicly when he went on a Senate fact-finding trip to Alaska the following spring.
If at the end of your fact-finding and negotiating you feel cornered, remember: you're not. You still have choices and options.
Already I'm finding I'm getting used to the fact that you all can see my data and that I can see yours.
In fact, you really should try to go out as much as possible during the first half of the week with the intention of finding the laughter & good times.
And every year, faced with the life-or-death problem of choosing a new home, honey bees stake everything on a process that includes collective fact-finding, vigorous debate, and consensus building.
But what has proved more shocking has been the fact that so many of those laid off have been so vulnerable, with hundreds and perhaps thousands finding themselves cast into the streets.
It's most interesting finding, in fact, is that the neural source for such complex emotions is well below the cortex, and thus far from the influence of "cultural artifacts."
Though they said to find new land in the surface, in fact they concerned that finding new market for their products.
You'll do some basic fact finding as to the functionality required, and then you'll download and install Joomla.
MICHELLE YEOH: on our first fact finding trip to Vietnam, the emotional trauma, that greeted us, has galvanized me into standing up, we can stop this.
NISA's version of events was backed up yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, which sent a fact-finding mission to Fukushima in May.
NISA's version of events was backed up yesterday by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, which sent a fact-finding mission to Fukushima in May.