They will talk about what it was like to be thetroublemaker in the family or at school or the shy guy who stood on thesidelines.
We'll be evoking the cast of 'Family Guy' in some interesting ways that integrate the product messages.
Being a father is a dimension of manhood that just about every guy wants to experience — and marriage is the most stable and secure environment in which to start a family.
I knew a guy once who needed to find a job fairly quickly because his severance pay from the job he'd been laid off from was not going to be able to support his family of six for very long.
I admire Linus Torvalds' candor (this is the guy who freely admits his own family doesn't use the Linux desktop, after all), as well as his foresight.
The same guy we see hanging out with his family in this video is the same guy we see giving Keynote presentations about global warming to packed houses across the US.
It is believed that Guy Ritchie will leave the family home in London and relocate to his Wiltshire property in south west England as soon as possible.
But when the director Clarence Brown asked Katharine: 'Why the hell don't you find a guy you can marry and raise a family with?
While Pistone was immersing himself into Mob Life, the FBI was trying to figure out who this new guy with Bonanno family was- Pistone has remad himself into a jewel theif named Donnie Brasco.
当皮斯通在向黑帮渗透的过程中,联邦调查局(译者注:后简称为调查局)也在尝试搞清楚这个波南诺家族的新人到底是谁-其实皮斯通把自己伪装成了一个化名东尼 布拉斯科的珠宝大盗。
LL: It's okay to say my fish bit the dust or some bad guy in a movie bit the dust, but you probably don't want to say that about your friend's family member.
嗯,我懂了。To bite the dust可以指鱼,可以指电影里的坏蛋,可是千万不要在朋友的家人去世的时候用这个说法。
If you're the techie fix-it guy in your family, all you have to do is set this up on everybody's computer, and they won't be confused again.
I don't know if you're a fan of Seth MacFarlane, the impresario behind a succession of hit animated series like Family Guy and American Dad.
我不知道你是否是塞思·麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane)的粉丝,他可是一系列像《居家男人》和《美国老爹》这样很受欢迎的动画片背后的掌门人。
The guy turned out to be getting lost with his family, the good news is that he gets reunion with his family, the bad news is that some media interrupt his life.
People try to advocate the slogan for girls that if you marry a guy, then you will marry to his whole family, which means the girl needs to take many things into consideration.
In these films, Lee chose to represent the little guy and he'd fight for the Chinese against the invading Japanese or the small-town family against the city-living drug dealers.
The guy here, do you believe that with tattoos on body with more ear piercings, but just totally changed to a family nanny after having this little lady.
The girl agreed, and with the guy 's determination, the family finally gave in and agreed to let them get married. So before he left, they got engaged.
UD: Sure enough, the guy cracks and the Oracle gets sued by his family members for millions.
But that makes him susceptible to the election-year argument that Mitt Romney is starting to make: Nice guy, good family, but it's time to give someone else a chance to turn the economy around.
Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.
A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law. "I love my daughter, and now I welcome you into the family," remarked the guy.
15 the moon is round and round, thanks for your family later in life! Home luck guy, happy reunion!
They behave as though Family Guy and multicolored toothpaste will still be around in the year 4000.
They behave as though Family Guy and multicolored toothpaste will still be around in the year 4000.