My aunt decided to take the bull by the horns and begin preparations for the family reunion.
While having the family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year's Eve, I got lots of red envelops from my elders.
However, some enterprises simply ignore the right of workers to paid leave, the family reunion leave included.
Dining out: to make it easier, more people go to restaurants for the family reunion dinner on the New Year's Eve.
The family reunion is so important for all the people, no matter how busy they are, they will come home for the dinner.
Full Moon in the family circle, a round belly, also won the best purse: a happy holiday: go to the family reunion happy!
This film was opened up with one of the traditional Chinese custom, which is the family reunion during spring festival.
As the Spring Festival comes nearer, it is difficult to make a reservation for the family reunion dinner. All the restaurants were booked up.
In the regions south of the Yangtze River, people sweep tombs and enjoy the family reunion with a "Clear-and-Bright dinner", just in the same way as what they do the Spring Festival.
There are obvious things like the enjoyment of food, a gay parly or family reunion, an outing on a beautiful spring day; and less obvious things like the enjoyment ofpoetry, art and contemplation.
She said she also got a better rate by booking a seat on one of the earliest trains to Washington, where she was going to spend the holiday with her family and attend her 20th high school reunion.
The other cool thing about it is when you have a family reunion like that you know that there's going to be a big change involved.
In case when he is too busy to come back, the family will reserve a seat and prepare a set of cutlery for him to signify the reunion with him.
It is an occasion that rounds up sons and daughters at home to enjoy the moment of family reunion.
There are obvious things like the enjoyment of food, a gay parly or family reunion,an outing on a beautiful spring day;
What’s more, tangyuan in Chinese has a similar pronunciation with "tuanyuan”, meaning reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.
Thirty years later the family has fallen apart, but a reunion with Dolores' estranged sisters at their mother's funeral bring back feelings and memories that have the power to tear them apart.
For some, the 2010 World Cup is not only a football carnival, but also a family reunion.Fathers, sons and brothers, all enjoy themselves in this special reunion.
Another lets severely disabled patients use a real-time video camera connected to the Internet, allowing them, for instance, to attend a family reunion virtually.
With the full moon symbolizing family reunion in Chinese tradition, moon worship has been one of the must do's during the festival.
Okay, it stops a few times - but for some of the most pivotal emotional moments in the saga. A ghostly reunion of departed friends and family.
Let's take at a look at some of the customs of this festival and how people around the country spent this time of family reunion.
Let's take at a look at some of the customs of this festival and how people around the country spent this time of family reunion.