He belonged to the Federalist Party.
Name one of the writers of the Federalist Papers.
He also helped write the Federalist Papers with James Madison and John Jay.
This, the Federalist leaders said, showed that Jefferson would not even think of trying to destroy their program.
These ideas, together with Montesquieu's virtuous, peaceful, moderate and equal republic, helped to build up the theoretical foundation for the federalist republicanism;
The new constitution includes federalist principles.
“I am a federalist,” Mr Sarkozy told his colleagues. Injoining the euro, countries had to surrender some sovereignty.
"You can't be federalist on your own," points out francois Heisbourg of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Paris.
Many in federalist circles were quick to dismiss Ireland's no voters as ignorant and bamboozled by the lies of anti-Lisbon campaigners.
He worried at his own beliefs—Zionist, Francophile, socialist and Euro-federalist—until they fell apart and reformed under the pressure of his restless, meticulous intellect.
Piet Dankert, then Europe minister, drafted a version of the Maastricht treaty that was too federalist even for Luxembourg (it was rejected).
Federalist judges in effect ignored the truth-as-defense provision, and applied it as their English counterparts would have done, punishing the very utterance as a libel.
"A woman will have more commendation in being the mother of heroes, " said a federalist, "than in setting up, Amazon-like, for a heroine herself.
He used his half of the prize money (he Shared the prize with British scientist Richard Roberts, who used his winnings to install a croquet lawn in his front yard) to buy an old Federalist house.
He used his half of the prize money (he Shared the prize with British scientist Richard Roberts, who used his winnings to install a croquet lawn in his front yard) to buy an old Federalist house.