One man can give you the feeling of safety depending on his great mind, not his body height.
Even "constructive" criticism can make your partner defensive and reduce the feeling of safety in a relationship.
The feeling of safety provided by two mighty oceans now gone, Americans no longer get on planes as if they were buses or go tee baseball games without a brush from a metal or explosives detector.
The researchers discovered activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is associated with a feeling of safety.
Noble, classic, warm materials - stone and oak - are used inside the hotel, from the central lobby to the bedrooms, for a feeling of safety and warmth in the rugged high mountain environment.
Thee researches discovered activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is associated with a feeling of safety.
And I would never know the feeling of returning to the safety and comfort of my parents' house.
The researchers in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex which is associated with a feeling of safety.
The utility model is a traffic tool which can instead of walk and has a high safety factor and comfortable running feeling.
She abandoned the thought of appealing to the other department stores and now wandered on, feeling a certain safety and relief in mingling with the crowd.
She abandoned the thought of appealing to the other department stores and now wandered on, feeling a certain safety and relief in mingling with the crowd.