I was wondering what I could do to improve my paper before the final draft is due.
The time spent in connection with the final draft survey is to count as laytime or time on demurrage;
Here's a first draft. Please check it and make any necessary corrections. Then I'll print the final draft.
I can't wait to read the final draft. In the meantime, have a closer look at the lovely cover art! Ooh, aah, etc.
At breakfast the following morning, I sat outside the Galle Face Hotel and edited the final draft while looking out at the ocean.
The next steps was to get feedback from the EU member states on the translations and legal correctness of the final draft texts.
When you submit the final draft of your article or tutorial to your developerWorks editor, submit the graphics files also. Follow these tips
The final draft of each paper is the version that will be graded and is due one week after the papers have been returned with comments .
From here the final draft text will move to committee stage for approval before being presented to both houses for a last and final vote.
Later, in 2005, Esther Derby and I pair-wrote the final draft of Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management, the draft that went on into print.
The final draft recommendations were circulated to all participants and subsequently agreed upon as the consensus recommendations for this report.
The student has submitted the final draft of the dissertation for my review. I agree his thesis to be anonymous reviewed and agree him to attend the defense.
If you are accustomed to writing vague opening lines and need them to get started, go ahead and write them, but delete them before you turn in the final draft.
Because I really could not think of anything exciting statements, so each post on the final draft broadcasting wrote some fuel to encourage that kind of thing, it is over.
Typically, you can start with 10 shots. Each shot must emphasize a different concept or emotion that can be woven together with the other images for the final draft of the story.
Program confirmed, customers sign the final draft design confirmed that the outstanding balance of design, final design Cho electronic document delivery and transfer of copyright books.
If your goal is to publish a novel, for example, the last thing you'll need to do (before the publisher does the layout and design, printing, marketing, etc.) is edit and submit the final draft.
I'd be happy to look over a draft version before you hand in the final copy, if you wish.
A draft of the final communique was equally empty; repetition of terms such as "strategic" could not hide a gaping absence of strategic thought.
It is also a good idea to write "draft" across the face of each draft to preclude the possibility of an impatient client signing a draft rather than waiting for the final version.
The United States said on February 27th that it was pulling out of preparations for that event: the draft final statement was too biased against Israel to be worth discussing.
We agreed on the usual rules: neither side was bound by interim agreements on specific issues until a complete accord was reached, and the United States would draft the final agreement.
The new final draft of the legislation also grants guardianship of children exclusively to their fathers and grandfathers, and requires women to get permission from their husbands to work.
The speculation grew to fever pitch this week as the ISG decamped to the Reagan Building to complete its interviews and debate its final draft.
The road to Codex is a long and winding one, but there is a reward for draft Codex standards that complete the eight-step journey to final adoption.
The two groups are going to coordinate their efforts and a final draft proposal is to be produced after 18 months for Small Scheme and 24 months for Large Scheme.
With OAuth reaching its final draft (OAuth Core 1.0 draft 4) last night, it is time for those of you new to the protocol to dive in and learn what it is all about.
OAuth昨晚发布了最终稿(OAuthCore 1.0Draft4),对不熟悉此协议的新手来说,是深入学习了解它到底能做什么的时候了。
His books emerged painfully through many revisions, each draft being a way of postponing the final one.
The figure might have changed between the draft and final documents, but let's take it at face value for the moment, to see what happens when rich nations offload their obligations.
The figure might have changed between the draft and final documents, but let's take it at face value for the moment, to see what happens when rich nations offload their obligations.