Jaime Murray reprised her role for the final episode.
The content of the final episode of "the Oprah Winfrey Show" is still under wraps.
The announcement was made during the final episode of a TV series, which aired on Channel 4 this evening.
The final episode involves all the characters in a dreamlike sequence that brings their lives full circle.
Oprah has spoken before of her love of the final episode of 'the Mary Tyler Moore Show,' where Mary turned out the lights and left.
The final episode of AMC's first season of the show aired and took a slight departure from the comic but one common element is the unknown.
In the final episode of our three-part series on supporting your position in meetings, we look at language used to make your statements more persuasive.
The guest star in the final episode, John Lynch, was probably my favourite because I got to work with him quite a lot, and I'm looking forward to seeing how our relationship on screen comes across.
Devising a final episode for a series which has aired for years is daunting enough. But it's especially tough for 'Lost,' which isn't the kind of show viewers can dip into at will.
That June, ESPN canceled it citing the demands for editorial control by Bonds's representatives over a planned final episode.
My plans for Icecrown Citadel Episode 2/3 are also abolished, but I hope to make similar movies for Final Fantasy 14 when the time comes.
During Friends' tenth and final series, the six stars were each earning six figures an episode.
Kirby will be releasing the fourth and final episode in this series in the fall of 2011.
In the third and final episode of season two, which aired on Feb 27, a computer-generated character from a TV show is jokingly put forward to become a member of Parliament.
The show's several elimination rounds and its final episode drew more viewers than even China Central Television's highly rated Spring Festival spectaculars.
It wasn't until the final months of production on Episode III that he changed his mind.
Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.
Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.