Given China's financial position, it really does not need the financial capacity of the World Bank.
The forms of architecture in history were not only based upon the structures, materials and styles, but also upon the financial capacity.
We will focus on a very targeted audience; mainly rotarians who have the financial capacity, commitment and connection to rotary to consider making significant gifts.
With financial support and good governance, other countries can do the same, building productive capacity to pay back loans.
In its zeal to appear financially rigorous, it has adopted a variety of financial metrics in an attempt to get away from the tech-oriented standbys like uptime, capacity, and utilization.
But financial crises damage the capacity of an economy and can also affect its subsequent growth rate.
In particular, it failed to increase further the lending capacity of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the single currency's rescue fund.
Mr Caruana said there had been a "collective failure to appreciate the extent of leverage in the financial system" and that balance sheet strains could limit Banks' capacity to lend.
Even their strongest financial firms have capacity limits, and may focus on the rapidly-expanding domestic market for some time rather than going global.
If it succeeds, it would have roughly doubled its lending capacity compared with the start of September 2008, when the global financial crisis broke in earnest.
Even with the stabilization of financial markets in many developed economies, unemployment and under-utilization of capacity continue to rise, putting downward pressure on the global economy.
We believe the difficulties are only temporary and European countries have the capacity and financial resources to solve their own problem through united efforts.
In the absence of urgent action, the rising financial and economic costs of these diseases will reach levels that are beyond the coping capacity of even the wealthiest countries in the world.
Unless some airlines are allowed to go out of business, so reducing the over-capacity that is causing carriers to slash prices, the entire industry is endangered by financial failure.
Instead, we should make sure that all Americans who have the credit history, financial capacity, and desire to own a home have the opportunity to take that step.
Why would taxpayers have to shoulder so much of the financial risk of expanding the nation's nuclear power capacity, an effort that would be wildly expensive?
Nobody should underestimate the capacity of the financial markets to accommodate circumstances, but in the next 12 months they face the most severe test.
The difference comes mainly from individual accumulation of capital, personnel skills, fiscal and financial environment and the organizational capacity of the individual entrepreneurs.
Which to absorb the financial sector the strongest, leasing commercial real estate industry, and strong employment absorption capacity.
The ratio of excess reserves of financial institutions averaged 8.3 percent, indicating strong payment capacity.
In the reality views of current financial crisis and the safety of agricultural products, it is essential to enhance the production capacity of energy agricultural products.
Should have in the city "a bed of down", prospective husband must have particular actual strength and financial capacity.
The practice of financial leasing industry of China has proved that the level of risk management is the key to measure the capacity of continuous operation of financial leasing companies.
At a micro level, we studied the scale, medical services capacity and financial status of American for - profit and nonprofit hospitals.
This competition is in essence the bout of the core capacity of competition, and the financial control is the effective guarantee to improve the core capacity of competition.
Abstract: financial management is the key of modern enterprise management. How to enhance financial management capacity has become an urgent problem.
Abstract: financial management is the key of modern enterprise management. How to enhance financial management capacity has become an urgent problem.