If a fire carelessly, will make the fire spread quickly, and give us a huge life casualties and property losses.
"That made the fire quickly spread in vertical directions and nearby areas, forming a large-scale fire in a very short time," Chen said.
A plume of flames shot from the top of the structure as the fire quickly spread.
The cause of the fire remained unknown, but a witness said he saw construction materials burning before the fire climbed up the scaffolding and quickly spread.
A spokesman for the Beijing fire Brigade says flames spread quickly throughout the building-which was still under construction-because sprinkler systems and fireproofing were not yet in place.
However, it is not only harmful to escape, but also beneficial for smoke to spread quickly to other floors if the smoke moves into the vertical escape evacuation routes while it is on fire.
Although the fire spread through the hospital very quickly, the firemen were able to pick up all the patients.
Although the fire spread through the hospital very quickly, the firemen were able to pick up all the patients.