The EPC code itself belongs to the first category, since it indicates what was observed.
Expositions of the first category last a maximum of 6 months and may be held on an enormous area.
The situation in America fits into the first category. That doesn't mean all Americans keep the law.
This is the first category that involves strong social interaction between the children while they play.
And most problems are not unique, so you need to just start tackling them to fall into the first category.
The first category in the information Center contains overview information and helpful links to service and support.
The first category is Professional Staff Members (PSMs) which are seconded from the government of member economies.
The first category is reverse engineering code to interface with existing binaries when the source code is not available.
For example, I color items in the first category red, items in the second category orange, and those in the third category yellow.
All water quality indexes of the final effluent can meet the first category integrated wastewater discharge standard (gb8978-88).
The first category is necessary to use remote images to interpret the degree and distribution of karst rocky desertification area.
The first category means those medical instruments whose safety and effectiveness may be adequately ensured by ordinary management.
The first category on the left is the group of people who beg or bribe and lure their dogs to do something by offering a food or toy reward.
When people talk about Apple losing all those customers still using feature phones, Evans writes, they are actually talking about the first category.
The first category includes the six kinds of tamed animals such as the ox, goat, horse, pig, dog and rooster, accounting for half of the zodiac animals.
The best examples of the first category were found in small firms, where the individual entrepreneur at the top was clearly driving the innovation forward.
As much as possible, pay your bills online. These would be most of the bills in the first category above -utilities, rent or mortgage, cell phone, Internet, etc.
尽可能的在网上支付账单,这些账单包含了上面所写的第一个类别的大部分内容- - -日常水电,房租或按揭,话费,网费等。
Referring to the first category, XML documents that simply transfer data between two different applications usually don't need any formatting information at all.
A child must have six or more of the following characteristics, including at least two from the first category and one each from the second and third categories.
As much as possible, pay your bills online. These would be most of the bills in the first category above - utilities, rent or mortgage, cell phone, Internet, etc.
尽可能的在网上支付账单,这些账单包含了上面所写的第一个类别的大部分内容- - -日常水电,房租或按揭,话费,网费等。
Assign the unassigned terms to the categories you created by placing your cursor on the first category and using the arrow buttons to assign terms to this category.
Examples of the first category are the MQSC commands, as well as SYSTEM objects such as the various SYSTEM queues that the queue manager defines the first time it starts up.
The first category pertains to those reasons that are not always associated with a definitive monetary value, and the second category pertains to revenue-specific justifications.
According to the variety of cultural sub-texts reflected in the XHY of the first category, they are divided into XHY with cultural universals and those with uniquely Chinese traits.
But many experiments over the past two decades document what psychologists call the disjunction effect - that people often place things in the first category, but not in the broader one.
The division throws up some interesting contrasts: whereas Venezuelans are better off than Peruvians and Colombians by the first category of indicators, they fare much worse in the second.
Chapter: once the middle management is divided into three categories: the first category called "dinosaur" middle-level manager, the manager 's ability is very strong, but often to "talk to boss".
Chapter: once the middle management is divided into three categories: the first category called "dinosaur" middle-level manager, the manager 's ability is very strong, but often to "talk to boss".