This problem seemed to be complex in the first instance, but it could be easily solved.
This is the sort of problem that was first solved by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems that used secured networks to operate.
这种问题首先由使用安全网路进行作业的“电子资料交换(Electronic Data Interchange (EDI))”系统解决。
LONG BEACH, Calif. - Astronomers may have solved a cosmic chicken-and-the-egg problem: Which came first - galaxies or the supermassive black holes in their cores?
The first component is what I’ll call the cognitive component; this component has to do with just the aspects of the problem that can be solved purely by thinking about the problem.
The first part introduction introduces the purpose and significance of this topics, content, research methods and main problem to be solved.
The first problem to be solved is to map DNA sequences onto numerical sequences in bio-molecular sequence analysis by mathematical, physical and digital signal processing methods.
The determination of jurisdiction, as the first step of internet infringement lawsuit, is therefore the initial problem to be solved as well as one of the core issues.
The first problem to be solved is to clear some concepts like aesthetic standards and sensibilities.
First of all, we have to know that baidu is becoming more and more with the user as the core, the needs of users, the user at the core of the problem can be solved if this is all we need to think.
This problem can first be solved by Hungarian Method to obtain information whether the resource of fishing grounds is greater or less than the catching capability of fishing vessels.
It is an important legal problem that administrative hearing system must be solved at first to participants in the hearing and their legal status.
How to get Chinese fonts becomes the first important problem which has to be solved in Chinese characters display technology.
At present, computer can be used to iteratively solving Colebrook's formula, but first the problem about the convergence interval of iterative calculation must be solved.
Image registration is the first and key part of problem to be solved in the integrations.
Proving standard is the first and foremost problem to be solved in the proof system establishment.
Euler solved this problem in 1736. He changed this problem into the first graph theory problem by abstract analyzed method.
Selection of construction diversion criteria is the first important problem to be solved in construction diversion design.
For improving the competitive power of commercial Banks, the problem of the huge amount of non - performing banking assets in China must be solved at first.
The shortest path problem in complex networks and graphs can be easily solved by labeling the distance between current point and start point during depth- first- search.
The overdetermined equations can be solved directly by using the rejection method to give the initial value of the position first and then converting the problem into a linear—square one.
另一类变量与向量函数呈非线性关系。 对于后一类变量,用弃舍随机方法先给出位置初值,然后将问题化为线性最小二乘问题,直接解超定方程组。
The first problem which Strategic Procurement Cost Management should be solved is calculating and gathering together the costs of producing in the commodity life cycle.
Structuring the water resource allocation mode that can be operated becomes the problem to be solved at first.
Based on the assumptions and principles of network optimization problems, the real problem is, first, formulated mathematical model. It will be solved with the help of computers.
First, the problem must be solved in the area that filled sea if rain water will be made use of with large -scale.
So far the academic circles haven t agreed on a unified measuring standard of Huizhou documents, whereas this is a problem that should be solved first in the collection of Huizhou documents.
Aiming at the DMS-100 switch of northern telecom in Canada, adopting the XFER protocol, experience solved the problem of "Handwork Collection, Decentralization Charging" first.
针对加拿大北方电讯的DMS- 100交换机,采用XFER协议,首次解决了“手工采集、分散计费”的问题。
This paper first discusses the algorithm in which the Reader—Writer Problem can be solved with the signal quantity of recording class, and the algorithm has been further improved.
Therefore, analysis of business models based on vertical integration strategy to become the first problem to be solved.
The material design is the first problem to be solved in the process of developing the ceramic matrix composites.
The material design is the first problem to be solved in the process of developing the ceramic matrix composites.