The competition of bank industry 'turns red-hot day by day, not only the domestic national and stock commercial bank, but also the foreign capital bank take part in this competition ranks.
To prevent such a drain, a weak country thinking of leaving the euro would have to impose caps on bank withdrawals, other forms of capital controls, and perhaps even restrictions on foreign travel.
The central bank last year cut interest rates and raised reserve requirements for foreign and local Banks in an unorthodox attempt to deter rising capital inflows.
In April the central bank raised interest rates for the first time in three years, but this is likely to lure in foreign capital.
The head office of a foreign bank shall allocate to its branch in a free convertible currency equivalent to not less than RMB 100 million yuan as working capital.
The risk a bank faces includes Credit risk, Market risk, Capital risk, Liquidity risk, Foreign Exchange risk and Operational risk.
On the other hand, study and use for reference advanced experience and skills from foreign capital bank, strengthen analysis and control of bank's cost.
The more foreign capital that flows in, the more dollars the central bank must buy to hold down the yuan, which, in effect, means printing money.
Any foreign bank or joint Chinese-foreign bank shall, before having paid the registered capital in full, set aside from each year's after-tax profits funds no less than 20% of them AD a reserve fund.
The bank shall fill in the transaction code according to the nature of capital before handling the foreign exchange revenue and expenditure for the domestic or overseas institution.
The bank shall fill in the transaction code according to the nature of capital before handling the foreign exchange revenue and expenditure for the domestic or overseas institution.