Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
Some cultures are too adept at lining up: a citizen of the former Soviet Union would join a queue just so he could get to the head of that queue and see what everyone was queuing for.
Russia wants a monopoly on the use of force in the former Soviet Union.
I had studied it, and I had lived elsewhere in the former Soviet Union.
The declaration is largely aimed at countries of the former Soviet Union.
The former Soviet Union was a super power but only with an economy of a third world nation.
The former Soviet Union was a super power, while its economy only leveled with the third world.
But the vision for a Europe whole and free has stalled at the border of the former Soviet Union.
Pulling up unused copper cables for scrap is a common means of making money in the former Soviet Union.
Koc’s food-retailing business, Migros, has expanded throughout the Balkans and the former Soviet Union.
But there is no need for them to miss their targets, thanks to the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Since 2000 emissions from the former Soviet Union countries have grown by 7.4%, and those of rich countries by 2%.
Kosovo looks and feels like a poor part of Europe, not a part of the Third World or parts of the former Soviet Union.
In the 1960s the former Soviet Union diverted the Syr Darya and Amu Darya for the irrigation of cotton and paddy fields.
The nation of Russia inherited possession of the islands from the former Soviet Union, in accordance with international law.
Europe is the only region in which TB has risen continuously, particularly in the poorer countries of the former Soviet Union.
The biggest improvements are in Latin America and the former Soviet Union, where mortality rates have fallen by more than half.
During the Cold War, the west failed to build mutual trust with the former Soviet Union because they regarded each other as enemies.
The problematic conflicts that are left all involve bits of the former Soviet Union, for which the lure of EU membership does not work.
The biggest success stories in the Index of Economic Freedom continue to be the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Sitting at the crossroads of the energy-rich Middle East and the former Soviet Union, Turkey has unique leverage as a transit hub for gas.
And there's only two countries, the U.S. and the former Soviet Union, that had major efforts on trying to create biological warfare agents.
Researchers from Canada and the former Soviet Union found that wheat will grow faster when exposed to special ultrasonic and musical sounds.
The former Soviet Union is thought to have weaponised a strain of Marburg into an airborne powder: a single particle in the lungs could kill.
Soon they were showing up as new varieties in many shapes and sizes and began to appear throughout the territories of the former Soviet Union.
Soon they were showing up as new varieties in many shapes and sizes and began to appear throughout the territories of the former Soviet Union.