On one hand, standardization reduces flexibility and the freedom of choice.
In endowing us with the freedom of choice God has elevated us above all other creatures.
For each soul the future is yours to decide and you will be granted the freedom of choice.
The freedom of choice is the premise of moral education. Guide is the basic way of moral education.
There is now the freedom of choice between the two controllers in a Model-View-Controller Web architecture.
Writing the column has turned out to be much more difficult than I expected, and the freedom of choice has made matters worse.
The continuous ribbon-shaped space organization in the exterior based on the freedom of choice organically passes through the interior.
Education freedom of children includes the freedom of choice education, social freedom, learning freedom, freedom of thought expression and individual freedom.
Compassion can only result from conscious choice, and this requires the freedom to choose without the threat of punishment or the promise of reward.
American companies ultimately have a tough choice to make: Uphold American values and the principles of Internet freedom set forth by Clinton, or focus on the bottom line.
I want to keyin on the one issue, to legalize freedom of choice, legalize the private optionwithout taking on the whole mess that’s been created.
Open questions are broader in nature than closed questions and less restricting or structured; hence, they offer the interviewee more freedom with regard to the choice and scope of an answer.
This API provides users the freedom to use the blogging tools they want but still have the blogging server of choice.
He said the ban curtails freedom of choice for an age group considered mature enough to make many other important decisions.
Early detection of problems provides you a freedom of choice versus being forced to do fire-fighting after the fact.
However, there has been backlash among many students against the rules that they say limit their freedom of choice to live wherever and with whomever they want.
This was largely to do with the strong belief, that we have freedom of choice, and one could not interfere with another's spiritual growth.
Sam writes, "You are limiting somebody's freedom of choice if you limit the size" of the drink.
It's great that you have freedom of choice in the parts and plumbing (back-end database, Web UI, middleware), but this means you have to make sure they work well together.
You will undoubtedly have been informed about it prior to incarnating, and with freedom of choice it is possible to awaken to the truth in time to ascend.
The true messages that carry Light are based on love and understanding, and will speak of the opportunity for everyone to ascend through freedom of choice.
Don't deny your freedom, rejoice in it, cherish it, and use it every day of your life! Remember, you are free to create the type of life you have always wanted, the choice is up to you!
And yet it is my contention that we do ourselves no favor when we equate liberty too directly with choice, as if we necessarily increase freedom by increasing the number of options available.
And yet it is my contention that we do ourselves no favor when we equate liberty too directly with choice, as if we necessarily increase freedom by increasing the number of options available.