By drawing upon some of the distinctive characteristics of high-technology industries, an attempt is made to identify possible elements of a future scenario.
While it is possible that much of our food will be grown in skyscrapers in future, most experts currently believe it is far more likely that we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.
If the past is prologue, then it ought to be possible to draw some modest conclusions about the future from the wealth of data about America's present.
It is entirely possible that in the future, a visit to a high street optician to check on your eyesight will also be a check on the state of your brain.
In the future, although we might be able to fly to work and lift, there are plenty of problems to solve before this will be possible.
Finally, we analyze the impact of the changes and describe possible actions we can take in the future to further improve performance.
In future versions, it will become possible to compose LUs into virtual containment hierarchies and the notions of "UML model" and LU will become distinct.
This article explores existing trends, conventions and the possible future of interactive maps online.
However, it is now ever more possible for studies of climate change to look at the past, not the future.
While developers and dotcom companies have turned in large part towards open source technologies to build the future of communication, it is the web itself that has made such an approach possible.
In addition, the GCU resolves obsolescence issues and can accommodate possible future implementation of a data link for network centric operations.
So the trick will be to find ways of adapting to many possible future climates, not to tailor expectations to one future in particular.
Orbiting the moon at an altitude of just 31 miles, the LRO spacecraft is designed to map the lunar surface in unprecedented detail to help identify possible landing sites for future manned missions.
I do contend that the code developed this way is more maintainable and possible of future growth without ripping everything apart and starting over.
The line in the KPI History and Prediction widget shows the historical trend and possible future trends of a given KPI.
As for the future of DynamicJasper their goals are to make reporting as flexible and simple to use as possible.
To choose a direction, an executive must first have developed a mental image of the possible and desirable future state of the organisation.
Your understanding of the present mapping will ensure that you are alerted to any possible binary incompatibilities with future versions.
A possible future trend that might lead to equally large Numbers of new technologies and products is the concept of cloud computing, just to name one last example.
This, combined with a handwritten thank-you note, will make the best possible impression and leave the door open for future follow-up-which you should do, of course!
Last, document the rest of the properties in your development notes as possible future ones to expose.
It's all been taken away, evidence for possible future prosecutions, the beginning of attempts to shine a light on the darkest corners of Colonel Gaddafi's rule.
A state bankruptcy law, on the other hand, would prepare for a possible future calamity: the inability of some states to pay for workers' pensions and health care.
A far-fetched dream just a few weeks ago, it is now possible to glimpse the shape of a future political settlement.
The figure represents a possible opening for future climate-change negotiations, as China envisions some sort of global climate tax.
Solar energy from the summer sun and hydro/tidal power from the River Thames are also possible future energy for this part of the capital.
It may be possible in future versions of the portal to determine the theme associated with the requested URL and use that theme for the login screen.
在未来版本的门户中可能确定与请求的UR l相关联的主题,并把该主题用于登录页面。
But even if a re-engineering of the euro zone is possible, such measures are for the longer term, to avoid a repetition of the crisis in the future.
But even if a re-engineering of the euro zone is possible, such measures are for the longer term, to avoid a repetition of the crisis in the future.