The preset price is called the futures price.
Recently, the futures price of copper has fluctuated wildly, so investors are cautious.
Contango is the normal relationship between the spot price and the futures price and is the opposite of backwardation.
The futures price will take the future spot price the anticipated price, and it also affected by macroeconomic variables.
The paper verified the leading effect of futures price index of farm products in our country on CPI, mainly through calculating, analyzing the futures price...
The problem was that the two markets acted on each other; as the futures price fell, so did the cash value of shares, forcing institutions to sell more futures and so on.
Jumps in the futures prices on commodities markets can take months to trickle down to the real world, and if the commodities surge subsides, then the price of eggs in local markets may not budge.
Eurodollar futures use this settlement price index because it conveniently preserves the inverse relation between price and yield.
The function of futures markets is price discovery, price risk hedging, and market efficiency improving.
Futures contracts involve the formal obligation to sell or buy a given amount of a commodity at a specified time and price.
If high futures prices induce increased storage, this reduces the quantity available to consumers, and it can raise the price.
If speculators on the futures markets get carried away, pushing prices so high that refineries run at a loss, they will simply shut down, causing the price to fall again.
Even when the price was near its lows last year, the futures market was anticipating a rebound this year.
The firm started to sell $4.1 billion of “E-Mini” futures contracts based on the S&P 500 index through an algorithmic trade, taking account only of volume, not time or price.
The spot price of gold reached $1, 058.2 this morning, with the futures contract for delivery in December hitting $1, 059.6.
"Less volatility presents less price risk, which in turn should translate into lower costs to the consumer, " said Stephen Platt, futures strategist with Archer Financial Services.
In early 2009 the six month futures price for oil was twenty dollars higher than spot price.
Congress banned onion futures in the 1950s on the ground that speculators were driving the price of the vegetable.
The design of medium and long-term Treasury bond futures contracts mainly includes the design of underlying assets, margins, daily price limits and position limits, etc.
The recently released futures price for one bottle of 2010 Lafite has climbed to $1, 600.
And judging by the price of futures contracts based on the Case-Shiller composite index, investors expect house prices to fall further.
而且根据基于Case - Shiller综合指数而达成的期货合同价格,投资者期待房价进一步下跌。
And judging by the price of futures contracts based on the Case-Shiller composite index, investors expect house prices to fall further.
而且根据基于Case - Shiller综合指数而达成的期货合同价格,投资者期待房价进一步下跌。