The gambler ended up in prison.
The gambler lost all his money in Las Vegas.
The gambler swept in the winnings at the poker table.
By crafts the gambler tricked them out of all their money.
Nil Game: for the gambler, there are win and loss, but the overall score always is nil.
Though working day and night, the gambler still could not make enough money to pay off his debts.
Pascal's way of looking at the world was that of the gambler: each throw of the dice is independent of the previous one.
When Tom bet all his money in the game he did not know that the gambler had an ace in the hole and would win it from him.
Dostoyevsky wrote from experience; his novella "The Gambler" is thought to have been written to enable him to pay his gambling debts.
The "bloody corridor":last leg of the ride, heavy combat point; killed in action: the gambler, the beggar, the rickshaw man, the heir.
He whispered at the horse and came back just a few minutes later, and the bartender could hear the horse laughing all the way the gambler came inside.
But at last he found himself back in Bonn, with the feverish infatuation of the gambler, which had succeeded hope in his mind, succeeded in turn by utter despair!
Throw life in the gambler of on the gamble, be they dare wildly for of time, have full self-confidence to own strength, and think the courageous adventure is the only form.
Conversely, many also believe bad luck is sure to reverse itself not merely by reverting to the mean, as a statistician would predict, but to the extent that the gambler will recoup his losses.
Eventually he gambles away all his money and has to borrow a quarter from another gambler just to use the men's room.
This sounds a little like a racetrack allowing a gambler to select horses and jockeys to run in a race, without informing the other bettors.
In 2006 he surprised many by starring in London as the streetwise gambler Nathan Detroit in the musical "Guys and Dolls."
2006年在伦敦上映的音乐剧《红男绿女》(Guysand Dolls)中扮演一个机敏的赌徒Nathan Detroit让大多数人大为震惊。
Here was a gambler drastically raising the stakes to stay ahead of the game.
The elite few a different breed of gambler.
After the professional gambler had wun thousands of dollars from the bar, he walked into the next bar the other day.
JOHN McCAIN, an enthusiastic gambler and inveterate collector of lucky charms, has the luck of the devil.
Albert's the kind of gambler who's changed the course of his life on the toss of a coin.
You are not a gambler but you do understand that careful, measured risk taking is a part of the process.
But the extent to which Churchill was a gambler in other spheres of his life has tended not to catch his biographers' attention.
Both books manage to tell their tales of Churchill the adventurer and gambler elegantly.
We are limited by a short period of time to pursue fame and fortune or to take risks like a gambler desperate to sing as or live for today, as like a drunkard, even if the ghost to do tomorrow.
We are limited by a short period of time to pursue fame and fortune or to take risks like a gambler desperate to sing as or live for today, as like a drunkard, even if the ghost to do tomorrow.