When the game is on the line it's Kobe out there guarding the other team's best SG or SF, looking for the all important defensive stop.
We set up a historical situation and create game rules that follow the pattern of history, but once that is done the game is on its own!
Or StarCraft for Koreans. A game so popular that the tournament organisers could rely on sponsors who do not care if the game is one year or twelve years old.
By fierce I mean just having that extra killer instinct that you know when the game is on the line he is not going to shy away from the big shot, he is not going to make excuses.
A point right on the screen is much like you might find when playing a video game.
He's playing a waiting game. He'll hang on as long as possible until the pressure is off.
The game is poised on a knife-edge. One mistake or one piece of good luck could decide it.
The cat and mouse game is over, but the challenge between man and robots will still go on.
Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket.
I go to the stadium whenever there is a good game, and if I can't get a ticket, I watch the game on TV.
The game is played on a board divided into a grid of 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines.
And my friend bought the child a new game of strategy for the computer, but this game is played on-line in real time with other people from around the world.
At that point, a download is triggered if changes are required on the game client.
Today, it hunts alone, a sign the dingo is probably on the lookout for a small game.
The only game I've gotten 100 percent completion on is the odd Sudoku.
Broadcast game: the objective of the Broadcast game is to connect all of the terminals and cables on the grid to the central hub by fixing their orientations.
An easy solution to the timing issue is to just let the game run on a steady 25 frames per second. The code then looks like this.
White House to play this game every year, but is rolling eggs on the lawn only.
Sizing the next layers down is compounded, because it depends largely on how the game engine is implemented.
But it is also important to respect the traditions on which the beautiful game was built, and this is something that Juventus are certainly doing with their Italian core.
People will tell you what things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury is what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.
Giuta Hero: the popular video game is based on an idea for a musical instrument game controller that came from the Lab. Lab.
The original mobile game is still wildly popular, and now there are plush toys on the market and movie and TV deals in the works.
But it is a game where the success of the emerging nations is imposing an unexpected burden on western progress.
But it is a game where the success of the emerging nations is imposing an unexpected burden on western progress.