When the general price level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services, which means the purchasing power of each unit of money is reduced.
Inflation refers to a persistent increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
The change in money supply cannot explain the change in price level. Except being affected by general need, price fluctuation is also affected by the change of general supply.
While an increase in the general price level growing out of an increase in expenditures while goods available for purchase are not correspondingly increased in amount is inflation.
Singapore cut down the value of its assets and general price level, including wage, by 15%.
Thirdly, the stabal grain price stabilized the general level of the commodity prices and also gained people's trust in the paper money issued by the government.
To what level is a society reduced by a policy where the only aim is superficial order and general obedience, regardless of by what means and at what price they have been gained?
With the comparison of general price level, the Shanghai 's is 30% of US' s by currency exchange rate, whereas the Shanghai 's price is 1. 1-1. 5 times higher than US' s by PPPs accounting.
总体价格比较,以汇率计算上海药品价格为美国的30%;而以购买力平价计算上海药品价格约为美国的1.1 ~ 1.5倍。
Article 26 To stabilize the general price level is one of the major objectives of macro-economic policy.
Article 26 To stabilize the general price level is one of the major objectives of macro-economic policy.