So, once you have the glass door, you will know what size to make your batch heater.
The glass door was smashed as shoppers surged forward to stop security guards from closing the store.
Fig3. Have you ever yelled at the receptionist behind the glass door to beg the access authorization?
I turned round and saw her staring through the glass door of a fashion parlor at a very elegant high-class skirt.
An alarm sounds as the glass door shuts, helping to prevent residents from being accidentally trapped on the roof.
Funeral Parlor of the glass door was open, but the impact of the crowd, several times had to shut down completely.
As a stranger entered a little country store, he noticed a sign warning, "Danger! Beware of dog!" posted on the glass door.
Justin Bieber walked smack into the glass of an automatic revolving door when trying to leave a German hotel Justin has been a small hit in the glass door.
However, through the glass door of the store I could see people walking by and they would look up over the door of the store and shiver and move away from the door.
Jean Valjean had made no alterations in the furniture as it was the first day; he had merely had the glass door leading to Cosette's dressing-room replaced by a solid door.
As one of the women pushed him through the doorway of the restaurant, the large man wearing a nametag 13 snatched a small sign down, which had been 14 taped to the glass door.
The short black haired man tried to sneak up from behind me, but I turned and before I knew it I had him in my arms and was tossing him in to the glass door at the front of the building.
The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark—a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004.
The bathroom door had a glass window covered with a portrait of a woman in pre-Raphaelite style on a thin sheet that made it look like stained glass from a distance.
For in an equally nondescript room next door, a young sergeant in combat fatigues is staring at the goats through a window fitted with one-way glass.
I didn't point out the snapping-turtle pond between Raylou's workspace and our sliding glass door, for fear that my mother, who had suicidal tendencies, might dive in.
I was out of breath by the time I knocked on the teacher's door and peered through the glass.
It was always light and open, even on cloudy days, because of the tall Windows and glass door toward the south and east.
The door crumpled, its glass smashed, and people and workers began to fall inside Wal-Mart's foyer as more than two thousand manic shoppers rushed in.
Besides the gents, a glass-panelled door reveals a private room heaving with people in tight groups clutching glasses of wine.
One then perceived on the right, facing the window, a glass door surmounted by a frame glazed and painted gray.
The glass-and-steel tower will be built next door to the Gherkin landmark -- a pickled cuke-like structure built in 2004.
Does the hearty Westerner within open his door, warm the tattered stranger with a glass of whiskey?
An apologetic door has become a huge double-height glass feature: a tribute to the semantics of welcome and the design of change.
Take note of the glass fogging up and the sound of the water hitting the shower door or curtain.
Take note of the glass fogging up and the sound of the water hitting the shower door or curtain.