The great philosophers had arguments that they were putting forward to try to persuade us of the truths of their positions.
Too much of what I know of the great philosophers comes secondhand or from condensations.
That is a very deep question, one which the great philosophers have struggled with for years.
So consent has come up a lot and here in John Locke, we have one of the great philosophers of consent.
The great philosophers of old are remembered largely by their posthumous contributions to dictionaries of quotations.
You have only to go to the great philosophers to see that it is possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflections.
Some of the great philosophers, artists, scientists, writers, and others accomplished their greatest work after they were 80 years old.
If one wanted to compile a charge-sheet against the great philosophers, to show that they were unfit to lead their own lives, let alone inspire others, this book could provide some useful evidence.
In the case of great philosophers, however, better yet to preserve one's physical presence to inspire future generations of thinkers.
Many of them are great conversationalists-cum-philosophers, full of insights and perspectives from the wide variety of people they encounter in their work.
And the third is a work by Diogenes Laertius who wrote the lives of great philosophers with lots of little snippets describing their interesting lives and deaths.
Rather, in the beginning artists, philosophers, linguists, writers and musicians were bound up in a movement of great force that sought to break with the past, and which did so with great energy.
He knows virtually every language of the world, all the events of history, and the words of all the great poets and philosophers.
After William of Occam there are no more great scholastics. The next period for great philosophers began in the late Renaissance.
Rollo was a living connection to the great European philosophers who had been formative for me.
The little self is as unknowable as the great world, for they are equally infinitely complicated. Therefore, both psychologists and philosophers have endless things to explore.
The profound thoughts of Greek philosophers, the great epics of Homer and the enduring charm of Greek mythology have given wisdom and inspiration to mankind.
Some of the systematic philosophers of the past have taken on the subject with great seriousness.
The Elven - wise are also loremasters, great scholars and philosophers.
It became a milestone in the history of British education led to many great philosophers thinking.
The philosophers find irrational factors are not merely the understanding of people, thought, and to people's behavior, they have great influence on whole social life.
The Elven-wise are also loremasters, great scholars and philosophers.
Philosophers, accordingly, have sought, with great persistence, for something not subject to the empire of Time.
Antigone, wrote by Sophocles, is considered by some philosophers and jurists as a masterpiece which has great relations with the birth of nature law.
The Parmenides purports to be an account of a meeting between the two great philosophers of the Eleatic school, Parmenides and Zeno of Elea, and a young Socrates.
I was obliged instead to read, with great cost, labor and injury, that devil's filth, the philosophers and sophists, from which I have all I can do to get myself clean.
And to help you, I've got two things to leave you with, from two great philosophers, perhaps two of the greatest philosopher thinkers of the 20th Century.
France's great philosophers, thinkers, literary masterpiece, Hugo once said: "Every calamity is the best teacher of life"!
France's great philosophers, thinkers, literary masterpiece, Hugo once said: "Every calamity is the best teacher of life"!