He started to move his people toward the Great Salt Lake as soon as the winter snows melted.
Some set off in a wagon train and founded a city by the great salt lake in what is now Utah.
The Donner party finally made it through the Wasatch Mountains and arrived at the Great Salt Lake.
After Joseph Smith died, the early pioneers wandered through the desert until they found the great salt lake.
They decided on Promontory Summit, north of the Great Salt Lake; some 690 track-miles from Sacramento and 1, 086 from Omaha.
Some land-locked waters such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake contain waters that are nearly saturated with dissolved solids.
However, it is not the saltiest lake in the world. The Great Salt Lake in the USA, with 270 ports of salt per thousand, is even saltier.
Because the tunnels are so large, and are placed by themselves in the middle of a large piece of the Great Salt Lake Desert, they are visible from miles away.
What about the Great Salt Lake, the Old Faithful Geyser, and the giant redwood forests? We will have to report about them and other natural wonders another time.
After suffering great hardships in the Wasatch Mountains, the great Salt Lake Desert and along the Humboldt River, they finally reached the Sierra Nevada Mountains in early October.
Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.
Explorers visited the camp. They told Brigham Young about a great salt lake in a wide valley on the western side of the Rocky Mountains.
With its clean streets, friendly inhabitants, and great natural beauty, Salt Lake City is the perfect site for an RI Convention and a wonderful destination for a family vacation.
A plain of northwest Utah west of Great Salt Lake in the bed of prehistoric Lake Bonneville The flats are often used for speed-test trials.
As seen from a distance, the Sun Tunnels and a quickly approaching dust devil, in Utah's Great Salt Lake Desert.
A lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great salt lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere.
A lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great salt lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere.