It was cholera, as much as the great stink, which led London's masters to build vast sewers, install toilets, and promote hygiene.
Sir Joseph Bazalgette was chief engineer of London's Metropolitan Board of Works in the 1850s, when sewerage problems led to what was called the Great Stink; cholera was rife.
Joseph Bazalgette是1850年代伦敦都市工作委员会的首席工程师,当时污染之严重被戏称为“大恶臭”,并且霍乱四起。
But now I will prefer to manufacture the Indian stink repulsing perfume which should a great hit globally.
In fact, he's the perfect glue guy on a winning team, because he plays great defense, makes the open jumper and never takes a bad shot or makes a stink in the locker room.
In fact, he's the perfect glue guy on a winning team, because he plays great defense, makes the open jumper and never takes a bad shot or makes a stink in the locker room.