Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a metric measure created by the Green Grid to determine the energy efficiency of a datacenter.
A new law on green energy gives few clues as to how new producers can sell power to the grid, or whether the incumbents have to buy it.
A smarter grid will not only help people save energy or use it more efficiently, but will also promote the adoption of all kinds of green technologies, including wind, solar and plug-in vehicles.
What's more, since they use the existing grid to power up at night, they'll require little additional infrastructure to green up the U.S. fleet.
Within the uniform grid established by the road network, zones of public green space occur within city blocks and at major intersections.
The furnishings in the lounge area have exposed black frames which complement the white grid of the office volume. Green upholstery offers an injection of colour.
In 2009, European Union announced choosing 30 cities as pilot projects for building the Smart Grid City, striving for the lead in global green scientific and technological competition.
With the present of the "Green Grid" concept, three-phase voltage-source PWM rectifier becomes more popular.
With the present of the "Green Grid" concept, three-phase voltage-source PWM rectifier becomes more popular.