The survey considered the growing pains of every industry.
But how do we know when the growing Pains stop... and the 'Pain Pains' take over?
Have not the Growing Pains, I won't come to Shanghai and meet so many great people.
We spent much of 2007 dealing with the growing pains typical of many internet services.
Have not the Growing Pains, I won't come to Shanghai and meet so many great people.
No one doubts that it will continue to grow; the question is who will suffer most from the growing pains.
We're now in the second stage and we're having the growing pains of getting out of the first into the second.
To some, Pain implies growth. But how do we know when the growing Pains stop... and the 'Pain Pains' take over?
However, it would be a mistake to regard counter-transference problems merely as the growing pains of the beginner.
And if you want your business to stand the test of time, make sure you're sufficiently capitalized to get through the growing pains.
The sixth Potter film explores the past of the series' chief antagonist , Lord Voldemort, as well as the growing pains of adolescence .
There are extreme energy changes pulsing through the universe at every level and, of course, we are all part of the growing process and the growing pains.
But the growing pains of increasing production to meet that damand and the fear that some orders could fall through in the meantime are still more worrisome.
A MANAGEMENT SHAKE-UP at China's highest-profile local private-equity firm illustrates the growing pains Beijing faces as it tries to nurture a domestic fund industry.
There are many experienced business professionals who are ready and willing to help lead you through the growing pains of being a new business owner. You can't do it all on your own.
Recently turned 19, Wilshere has also had some growing pains off the pitch.
The company suffered from its share of growing pains early on, including an online auction converter site that earned the trio an e-mail from eBay's lawyers because of its domain name.
In six of the last 11 years, Motor Trendpicks have been identical to NACOTY's, the jounalist group organized in 1993, which hasn't dodged its own growing pains and blind spots.
The scientists note that increases in sleep may lead to increases in waking, as growing bones produce growing pains.
Opinions are divided as to whether shrinking the number of carriers -in effect, creating a more monopolistic market -will relieve the industry's growing pains.
At sixteen, he finally got a successful, regular role as a homeless boy in the teen TV series Growing Pains that lasted for a year.
Growing pains refers to pains in the joints and muscles of growing children.
China's young, so it may have growing pains and can make mistakes, but it's dynamic and represents the future.
This title "Growing pains and gains" reminds me of the meaningful school life.
Growing pains sometimes may seem unbearable, but believe me they are nothing compared with the pain of shrinking or the pain of standing still.
Growing pains sometimes may seem unbearable, but believe me they are nothing compared with the pain of shrinking or the pain of standing still.