It looks very nice when she wears the half-moon hairpin in her hair.
This is an early Colt that cannot be fired without the half-moon clips.
The lunula is the half-moon shaped pale area at the bottom of finger nails.
Klaette finally contented sleep, the cat lying on his side, looking out of the half-moon thoughts.
On some nights, half the world will be able to stare up at a full Moon.
Adding to the oddities, in 1978 scientists announced they'd found a moon of Pluto—but one that's almost half its size, making it the largest moon in relation to its parent body.
With a spatula... flip the omelet in half... so it looks like a half moon.
If they looked up, they would see the two Saturns crossing the sky every 1.6 days, appearing half as large as the moon.
As we motored up, we could see the trim brown cabin sitting at one end of a half moon of pebble beach; at the other end, Cascade Creek tumbled into the glacial gray waters of the bay.
Indeed, attacks were 33% more frequent during the second half of the moon cycle, when the moon shines the least and provides the most darkness from which the maneaters can strike.
During totality, the Moon tracked through the northern part of the Earth's dark umbral shadow, so the southern half appeared considerably darker than the northern part.
In the two days leading up to the full moon, the orb might look full to the naked eye, but its brightness is only half of what it will be on the night that the moon is full.
Are there really alien robots on the other half of the moon, or have we shed a little more light on the subject?
Sickle-cell disease is characterized by a modification in the shape of the red blood cell from a smooth, donut-shape into a crescent or half moon shape.
Tang women loved to trim their eyebrows into the shape of the half moon or arched willow leaves.
Growers from Oregon and Washington have won most of the Half Moon Bay contests in recent years, but growers around Napa are coming on strong.
Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, California, USAAbout 30 miles south of San Francisco, the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay perches on a rocky cliff face looking out to the Pacific.
I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.
FOUR hundred years ago a Dutch ship called the Halve Maen (Half Moon), Henry Hudson at the helm, arrived at the tiny island of Mannahatta.
This new moon may also find you traveling with friends (or to see friends). If you decide to go anytime during the second half of February, you'd be assured of having fun.
His shoes were black leather, and they were polished to such a shine that they looked like dark mirrors: you could see the moon reflected in them, tiny and half full.
In the following decade, color begins to be introduced, and not only that, but the 1936 manicure even includes a half-moon shape carefully formed using a brush and red polish.
Today the moon like a big lantern, I ate a half, the remaining half for you and chocolate filling, like it?
The THREE people running northward through moon shadows in the ForbiddenForest were strung out along almost half a kilometer.
Io and Europa are about the same size as our moon, whereas Ganymede and Callisto have diameters that are half again our moon's diameter.
The Wolf Man is a terrorizing half-man, half-wolf creature that strikes during the full moon.
The Wolf Man is a terrorizing half-man, half-wolf creature that strikes during the full moon.