Why do children hang stockings over the fireplace for presents?
Tie the laces together, stretch them between two tree trunks, tie them around and hang the plastic over, like a tent.
It also encourages states to keep voting for incumbents and incumbents to hang on until they drop. The current Senate contains 26 people who are 70 or over.
The tent curtains will be a cubit longer on both sides; what is left will hang over the sides of the tabernacle so as to cover it.
One of the rangers "said the spiders do a Tarzan swing, like they hang down on the silk and swing over, " Agnarsson said.
The figures hang over his negotiations with Congress on a fiscal stimulus plan.
I was fascinated by the teenagers, who are farmers, and just hang around. When they harvest and grow the rice, they have nothing to do, like teenagers all over the world.
After his conviction of piracy and murder charges in a sensational London trial, he was left to hang over the River Thames for two years.
They showed us how they make a thing that will remain in the family for the long years and will be considered to be sacred - a chain that will be used to hang a kettle on over a hearth.
One state publication explains that FastStart “has removed uncertainty about workforce quality”: that is, it has helped companies get over their hang-ups about the South.
Hang art or a painting over the fireplace, and place just three or four pieces on the mantel that highlight it.
Outside his window, the early morning sun sparkles through the white clouds that hang low over Tawang.
Industrial, exposed brick work looms confidently over the the arty "boho type" people who hang out and chat about their latest art projects.
The bar and restaurant is where the beautiful people hang out. The food is superb but it is another over-priced, over-designed hangout and I would rather have been back on the hippy beach.
They also hang garlands of evergreen boughs over the window and wreaths on the doors.
I tell Marla goodnight, and Marla's screaming is smaller, smaller, smaller, gone as I reach over and hang up the phone.
Most importantly, the past is the past, you can't change it. You can try to hang on to it or you can get over it.
This little step - of thinking ahead, figuring out how the meeting will go, and deciding the question you want to answer - will pay huge dividends in awareness as you get the hang of it over time.
Early in the morning Grethel was obliged to go out and fill the great pot with water, and hang it over the fire to boil.
And then, when you keep adding force — which we will do by gravity, - we will just hang weights on it — then it starts to bend over, up to a point here which we call the elastic limit.
With servicers now given greater leeway to intervene, questions about how far they can go without compromising trusts' tax status hang over the industry.
As for the additional length of the tent curtains, the half curtain that is left over is to hang down at the rear of the tabernacle.
Actually, in some, you can even see corners of clothes hang out forlornly over the shelf edge, constantly being squashed because it's stopping the door from fulling closing.
"They often cry over the news and then hang up on you," said Li, who recently spent two weeks talking a woman into letting go.
The US technology company finally met with Chinese environmental campaigners, but their argument isn't over yet, reports Zeng Hang.
So if now I hang on it a mass of one kilogram, I can calculate the period of one oscillation, and one over the period F is the frequency F, and I believe that is something like 38 hertz.
Having joint bosses can also help companies hang on to talented executives who might otherwise leave if passed over for the top job.
A giant cave column swagged in flowstone towers over explorers swimming through the depths of Hang Ken, one of 20 new caves discovered last year in Vietnam.
A giant cave column swagged in flowstone towers over explorers swimming through the depths of Hang Ken, one of 20 new caves discovered last year in Vietnam.