The movie stays true to itself and the happy ending really is only a silver lining.
Of course, in the end these dark moments help make the happy ending feel all the sweeter.
Of course we know the happy ending—God sends down an angel to intercede at the very last minute.
Always remember that God only arranges the happy ending. If you are not happy, that is not the final outcome.
Always remember: god will only arrangements of the happy ending. If not happiness, that is not the final outcome.
But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.
There will not be the happy ending that most people hoped for in 2001, but nor will there be the total defeat that many now expect.
She said the family was making plans to attend Barack Obama's inauguration, and suggested the happy ending was good for the country.
The happy ending of Chinese classical drama, which has been criticized, is taken as the major argument that there is no tragedy in China.
Even then, this wasn't the happy ending the Congress Party had hoped for because they had to pay vast sums of compensation for acquisitions.
The wedding ceremony at the hospital was really beautiful and the happy ending may have been a romantic cliche, but I loved it just the same.
I want the happy ending implied by the title to my article, which is, incidentally, the only part of the article that I didn't actually write.
Grant has had well-documented relationships with famous women, notably actress Elizabeth Hurley, but none has given him the happy ending he would like.
It argues for the existence of tragedy in China. The happy ending of Chinese classical drama, which has been criticized, is taken as the major argument that there is no tragedy in China.
Tragedy consciousness breaks the happy ending mode in Chinese traditional dramas. It becomes the leading artistic characteristics in the beginning creation period of Chinese modern drama.
Every one of them wanted the fairy tale to have a happy ending.
Fairy tales tell the story of good versus evil, and usually have a happy ending.
That was sold as a fairytale wedding, but from the point of view of most of the public, it turned out to be one of those fairytales that don't have a happy ending.
It is the arbitrary happy ending tacked onto a situation for which in reality there would be no happy ending.
Most people I know still cling to the idea that love has to have a happy ending.
From the famous first line - "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way" - we know there is only one place this story is heading and it isn't to a happy ending.
Many Cups indicate fortunate circumstances and ultimately a happy ending, especially if the Grail [Ace of Cups] is among them.
But the story has a happy ending: the six-month-old baby survived with just a cut on his forehead, although the pram was dragged about 35 metres by the braking train.
The three experiments, then, one with a 'happy' ending, and two less so, can be seen in terms of the possible outcomes when a powerful group tries to manipulate two weaker groups.
这三个实验中一个有“圆满”的结局,而另外两个并不那么圆满。 它们可以被看成是一个强大的团体试图操纵两个弱小团体时可能出现的结果。
The three experiments, then, one with a 'happy' ending, and two less so, can be seen in terms of the possible outcomes when a powerful group tries to manipulate two weaker groups.
这三个实验中一个有“圆满”的结局,而另外两个并不那么圆满。 它们可以被看成是一个强大的团体试图操纵两个弱小团体时可能出现的结果。