The hedgehog rolled up into a ball.
The hedgehog scrunched itself up into a ball.
Even though it might look like a porcupine, the hedgehog eats insects and small animals while the porcupine is a vegetarian.
The hedgehog rolled up into a spiky ball.
The hedgehog only comes out at night to scurry around for a meal.
The fox knows many things but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
However, Neogene of the hedgehog fossils found in Asia, very little.
The child was frightened by the hedgehog. The father rolled it out of the garden.
Baldrick the hedgehog curling up and going to sleep with another unnamed hedgehog.
The rocket blasted off to the moon. That was how the penguin and the hedgehog went to the moon to collect rocks.
This time the hedgehog said: "Probably we should make a call to the astronaut, I am sure he knows the right order!"
这次刺猬说:“也许我们应该给宇航员打个电话,我敢肯定他知道正确的顺序! ”。
A owl didn't want to be left out. So the mole, the rabbit, and the hedgehog had to move over. The little mitten was getting crowded.
The story in Secret Rings is a slight departure from the usual Sonic the Hedgehog setup. One day while Sonic is sleeping, a genie visits him.
The mole, the rabbit, the hedgehog, and the owl were not pleased. There ws no room left, but when they saw his diggers, they gave him the thumb.
Do not grab your hedgehog from above (ouch) or hold it in such a way that a finger could get trapped by the hedgehog rolling into a ball (big ouch!).
And I will make it a possession of the hedgehog, and pools of water, and I will sweep it with the broom of destruction, "declares the LORD of hosts."
According to the company, the team sought to channel the feel of early 1980s 8-bit microprocessor videogames such as Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog.
Isaiah Berlin once wrote an essay called "The Hedgehog and the Fox" where he classified Tolstoy as a hedgehog because he was devoted to one big idea. That idea was God.
Even if you have a dirty as I reach out and embrace the hedgehog Mowgli against, even if your life as I have to accompany the slander scrap Mowgli against the guardian.
The month-long festival will showcase 13 recently released feature films and 12 short films, including "The Hedgehog" by Mona Achache and "Self Defense" by Thomas Gayrard.
'The master's gone into his study, sir, ' replied the hedgehog, 'and he said as how he was going to be particular busy this morning, and on no account was he to be disturbed.
The material of the bait absorbing ball is permeated with the fluorescent substance, and the ball presents the beehive shape or the rod-shaped protruding structure of the back stab of the hedgehog.
I poked her in the stomach and she curled up like a hedgehog, giggling.
I poked her in the stomach and she curled up like a hedgehog, giggling.