And to creatively, brilliantly, and honorably serve the highest good of all.
I'm going to say that it's all happening for the highest good of all concerned.
Dear Ones, events do not happen in the highest good until you create the highest good.
The necessity for beauty, I found to be the highest good, the human soul's greatest gift.
The highest good theory of Master Yangming belongs to the human nature theory of Confucian school.
Human must be the highest good with evil by buying, reimbursement by the blood and suffering of mournfulness.
No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good.
Objectively considered, it means truth, the highest good, a supreme opportunity, a regulated life, communion with the best.
As you step up to the plate, know that as you take back your personal power and sovereignty, you make a choice that is for the highest good for all.
I have learned never to underestimate the healing power we all have. It is always there to be used for the highest good. We just have to remember to use it.
Therefore without attachment, without interruption, perfectly perform prescribed actions; since performing prescribed actions a person achieves the highest good.
I will prove that the concept of Aristotle's happiness is a self-limited final end, which guides and regulates people's practices and actions as the highest good.
Your aim should be to view the world as an integrated whole, to faithfully incline your whole being toward the highest good, and to adopt the will of nature as your own.
So therefore, you can Reiki to help everything about your life and the lives of those around you to heal at a much faster pace and for the highest good of those involve.
The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.
When rules change very infrequently and the very highest level of control over rules is required, rerouting your production traffic to your staging machine is a good option.
As you might expect, the simplest models are not the highest performers, however, they're a good starting point for understanding the problem.
That may be good news for the state as shareholder, but it does not placate Czech consumers, who pay electricity prices that are among the highest in Europe on a purchasing-power basis.
Once you stop working just because it's a good idea, you'll be able to develop a filter for the type of work that is essential, highest leverage and produces the best results.
Similarly Zarathustra says that creating requires destroying, quote: thus does highest evil below to the higher good but the latter is the creator.
I cannot imagine how the student felt at that time, but for myself, after hearing this story, I strongly felt that good personality is the highest degree in our lives.
Good tracing and management of contacts helps to ensure that possible cases are isolated prior to the onset of symptoms, when the risk of transmission to others is highest.
The highest priority, Sir Michael suggests, is to ensure that every child has a good start in life by concentrating on poorer children during their earliest years.
NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) batteries are good for small to medium size range robots. They have the highest current output, are more affordable than NiMH's, and can be recharged within one or two hours.
You can recharge them as much as you want, they have good current output, and have the highest energy capacity.
"Apps are something we're very good at and something we want to continue to be very good at," Levin said. For this to happen, U.S. developers need access to the highest speeds available.
"Apps are something we're very good at and something we want to continue to be very good at," Levin said. For this to happen, U.S. developers need access to the highest speeds available.