For the past few months, when I partake the Holy Communion, I can't even kneel down, I have to stand.
Earlier, we have part-taken of the Holy communion. This communion was a reminder of how God has loved us.
At the age of seven he received his first holy communion from the Pope in the Vatican.
Near the end of the Mass Benedict walked down from the altar to distribute Holy Communion.
I believe in the holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of SINS, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.
The bishop has also urged special caution when taking Holy Communion on pastoral visits. He said if priests came across anyone with flu-like symptoms, only they should drink from the chalice.
Mission: to lead the congregation to experience communion with the living and holy God by providing worship opportunities which lead to a deeper awareness of His holiness, majesty, and grace.
This congregation invites all of its members, who have been prepared to receive the Sacrament, to participate regularly in Holy Communion.
In Holy Communion, a person receives the earthly elements of bread and wine along with the spiritual elements of the true body and blood of Christ. (the Real Presence).
I believe the holy universal Church, the communion of the saints.
Prudence suggests that the reception of Holy Communion be only on the hand but with respect for the freedom which the Holy See provides in this matter.
In the basement of our church building there's a large safe built into a wall. The safe contains valuable silver tableware for celebrating the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion).
In the basement of our church building there's a large safe built into a wall. The safe contains valuable silver tableware for celebrating the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion).