When you travel in England, you can't miss the visit to Windsor Castle, the family home to British kings and queens for over 1,000 years.
The teacher sent me home with a note for my mother that said I needed to visit the eye doctor because I failed the vision test.
If you can't get to the nursing home to visit grandma, you can use a telepresence robot to hang out with her.
I'd like to invite you to visit the nursing home in the neighborhood of our school on the Double Ninth Festival.
On the Double Ninth Festival this year, we'll visit the old people's home near our school.
I want to visit the old people's home to talk to them.
You may share a dinner with a homeless person, visit lonely old people in the nursing home, or help the blind cross the street.
Instead, go through the equipment list at home after your first visit to the dealership and then decide exactly what you need.
My father is the one who tells the story, usually when I'm home for a visit, and I do my best to play the abashed, grown-up child, shaking my head at my behavior.
A smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit, Hey mom, the dentist says I have no cavities.
If you find that you need something, go ahead and have the parents bring it when they come and visit or pick them up when you're home for a break.
Open a new TAB in your brower, visit the home page of the company in question and change your Settings there.
On the way home from Texas I stopped in Hope to see Buddy and Ollie and visit the graves of my father and grandparents.
While most people visit Rapa Nui to explore its cultural history the island is also home to some excellent diving, surfing, and enticing beaches when a bit of relaxation is in order.
But hundreds of other Americans bombarded the Soviet Embassy with friendly pleas that Khrushchev visit their home or their town or their county fair.
There were no restrictions on which patches to visit, but each time a card was plucked it had to be returned to the home base, irrespective of colour.
But when that certain finger is ringless, even the most self-assured single dreads the shame and rebuke of disappointed family during a visit home.
To install the package by hand, visit its home page, download the source code archive, and manually uncompress the files to the desired location.
To install the package manually, visit its home page, download the source code archive, and manually uncompress the files to the desired location.
Nicola had a clinic in Bath, just a few miles from the Parrys’ home in Bristol, so Mandy decided it was worth a visit - though Mark was highly sceptical.
She lives in Meadowside Nursing Home in Staines and was the last person I'd arranged to visit.
When I first visit her home, I saw immediately that she had the same Purina Cat Chow AD taped to her refrigerator that I have taped on mine.
When I got home, after a visit to Daddy's grave, we plunged into the holiday season.
At Chinese New Year, when once he would go home to visit his son, Fang must stay behind because the restaurant is so busy.
Anne always loved to come home to Avonlea even when, as now, the reason for her visit had been a sad one.
Then, the next morning, a wise sage and his 199 followers came to visit the farmer at her home.
The visit was the vice President's final stop before flying home at the end of a week-long trip that also took him to China and Mongolia.
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Few outsiders ever visit the complex - so even seeing the company on its home turf is sure to ignite a media frenzy.
Few outsiders ever visit the complex - so even seeing the company on its home turf is sure to ignite a media frenzy.