The House financial Services Committee is set to hold hearings to discuss the highest paid in America's financial industry.
"We think the Fed can play a constructive role in protecting consumers," he told the House Financial Services Committee last month.
The House Financial Services Committee received little assistance from the former CEO and CFO of WorldCom in its attempts to ascertain their role in the company's restatement of accounts.
That, and questions about how individual Banks have or have not used funds to expand lending and help repair the crumbled credit market dominated the House Financial Services Committee hearing.
The hearing of the House financial Services Committee covered numerous complex aspects of the sub-prime mortgage-based financial crisis, and the role played by complicated financial instruments.
And today, Barry Zubrow, the bank's chief risk officer, will give congressional testimony to the House Financial Services Committee in which he argues that the regulatory pendulum has swung too far.
今天,摩根大通的首席风险官Barry Zubrow发布了他在众议院金融委员会听证会上的证词,在证词中他指出监管这条路已经走得太远、太宽了。
"I'm skeptical of the bailout, the whole bill is only a couple of pages long, " said Representative Scott Garrett, Republican of New Jersey, who is a member of the House Financial Services Committee.
Addressing the House of Representatives financial services committee, Geithner set out a six-point plan consisting of.
A spokesman said he planned to speak, either by phone or in person, to Barney Frank, chair of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.
A spokesman said he planned to speak, either by phone or in person, to Barney Frank, chair of the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.