Even a written apology failed to placate the indignant hostess.
'Let 'em alone for that, ' replied the undertaker. So saying, he smiled, approvingly: to calm the rising wrath of the indignant parish officer.
The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in the U. S. and, if you don't let me get that duck, I'll sue you and take everything!"
The Luo Yin poetry mainly is divulges directly through the indignant and excited sentiment, carries on the exposition and the critique to the dark reality.
The indignant Toad swam to shore, while the stoats laughed and laughed, supporting each other, and laughed again, till they nearly had two fits-that is, one fit each, of course.
While he was doing so, Moran started his Mary of Egypt, but the indignant crowd seizing his stick were about to belabour him, when they fell back bewildered anew by his close resemblance to himself.
Imagine that you know you're an evil git, but you know that the person you're playing against or with, is an indignant angel.
He was indignant that his rival was offered the job.
He wandered on, wounded and indignant, and was resolved to put himself in the way of like treatment no more.
They are indignant at [about] the increased prices.
It and two other German companies, Conergy and SolarWorld, are particularly indignant that German subsidies were the main source of demand for solar panels until recently.
So Greek taxpayers may be indignant at the sight of a lender that they rescued spending large amounts of money on a potentially highly profitable deal before it has repaid them.
It said this view was shared by many delegates at the city legislature’s annual meeting in January, and ran some indignant-sounding quotes.
I doubt that he ever openly Shared his views with his colleagues, though he often came home bristling and indignant over their ignorance of the Middle East.
A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
Some are amusing, like the animated picture of a woman playfully teasing an indignant goose.
Emmett was a member of a blackface troupe known as the Bryant's Minstrels, but he was indignant when he found out that his song had become an unofficial anthem of the Confederacy.
The good citizens of Houston are rightly indignant about being deprived of their space-age heritage.
Ben was so indignant that be seized the man by the collar.
Cried Catherine, sucking her damaged lip, and watching the conflagration with indignant eyes.
Cried Catherine, sucking her damaged lip, and watching the conflagration with indignant eyes.