The class is the basic management and education unit in the school, it is also the most important social organization for the student's school life. The informal group commonly exists in the class.
These associations are informal clubs of friends and other trusted members of the ethnic group who make regular contributions to a fund.
Meanwhile, remittances from abroad, self-employment, tourism, foreign investment and the informal economy have lifted the incomes of a large group of Cubans.
Soon, as is the custom in most areas of XML development, an informal group got together to write common specifications for XML repository APIs. In this case it was the XML: DB group (see Resources).
Often in Japan matters are discussed at informal talks, just like here, until a consensus of opinion is reached.Then it is presented by the spokesman of the group.
Each one a legendary (1) singer and performer, Frank, Sammy, Dean, and others were not a music group, but an informal group of friends who sang and acted together in the US in the late 1960s.
法兰克、山米、狄恩和其他一些人个个都是传奇式的歌手、演员。 实际上,他们并不是一个乐队组合,而是一个非正式的朋友团体——被称为“鼠帮”。
In systems too large for a single group, there are layers of decision-making: the nomads of the Sahel, for example, used to have overlapping informal authorities up and down the Niger river.
To assist in passenger contact tracing, a public health passenger locator card has been developed by an informal transportation working group convened by the World Health Organization.
Lots of people have offered advice. Among the weightier contributions was a report from the Group of Thirty (G30), an informal collection of past and present central-bank governors.
Management presented the report of the Working Group to the Bank's Board of Executive Directors at an informal meeting on January 22.
This article is about the experiment achievement of physical excise teaching in college by informal group division in public psychology principle.
Within the naturally ventilated atrium, curved 'pods' house Spaces for informal personal and group learning.
Study carefully its origin, can roughly trace back to primitive human era. But the concept of informal group is put forward by modern management educational circles correspondent to formal group.
At the general counsel's invitation, the "think group" had assembled in his home and was sprawled around an informal comfortable garden room.
At the general counsel's invitation, the "think group" had assembled in his home and was sprawled around an informal comfortable garden room.
People in business communicate in various ways: face-to-face talks, informal group discussions, seminars, conversations on the phone, writing in letters, memos, and reports.
Firstly, we make the definition such as informal group and socialization of the middle school students.
This section lists the WAP Forum (tm) Informal Notes. An Informal Note document represented the output of an officially chartered WAP ForumTMworking group.
This section lists the WAP Forum (tm) Informal Notes. An Informal Note document represented the output of an officially chartered WAP ForumTMworking group.