Wafa said officials are now trying to find the informant who provided information that led to the attack.
He turned to a colleague who had decided to witness the arrival of the informant causing all the excitement.
The informant or clue provider could also initiate the reward request to the informed agency after a conviction judgment.
The informant sought to rejoin Mr. Rajaratnam in late 2005 when facing financial difficulties, according to the SEC complaint.
In an expert network, the informant could be someone working inside a company that you're interested in, so you pay for access.
The authority or organ that accepts such information shall keep the informant as well as the contents of such information confidential.
In an expert network, the informant could be someone working inside a company that you're interested in, so you pay for access. Just like the cops.
The authorities receiving the report shall keep confidential the relevant information of the informant, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the informant.
Shibani is a single man, the informant writes, and he sometimes hosts a group of four to six bearded young men - none of them older than 25 - on the building's rooftop after midnight.
The officer receiving the complaint or information shall clearly explain to the complainant or the informant the legal responsibility that shall be incurred for making a false accusation.
Though she knew few details, she had deduced that an informant meeting in Afghanistan was taking shape, and her husband was unusually anxious about the subject.
The police made an early breakthrough, with an informant naming Smalls as the leader of the gang.
The Atiyah video had turned the obscure pediatrician into the most sought-after informant in either intelligence service, yet much about the case was perplexing.
The man had eluded capture for eight years; yet here he was, holding forth on video, with a CIA informant seated at his feet.
We used informant networks to characterize all maternal deaths, and a capture-recapture method to estimate the total number of maternal deaths.
Two affidavits even claim that Erik Prince, Blackwater's founder, was involved in the murder of a possible informant.
He had flipped—turned informant—after only a few weeks in the Mukhabarat’s clutches, but nothing in his background suggested an aptitude for either militancy or espionage.
But as Panetta soon discovered, arranging a meeting with the CIA's new star informant was more complicated than it had first seemed.
"You can scarcely imagine the anguish and terror," wrote one informant quoted by Timperley in the Guardian.
The estimate of duration includes a series of questions about the duration of specific symptoms that might be a sign of AD, medical records review, and informant interview.
His conviction rested on arson investigators 'findings and the testimony of Johnny Webb, a jailhouse informant who claimed that Willingham had confessed to him.
This informant also told her that Cian was in on the plot and was about to sell Farnmir out.
This long-snooted informant Shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94.
This long-snooted informant Shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94.