The author holds that the absolute acceptance should be added into the inheritance law in China.
With large Numbers of new cases arising, the inheritance law has to confront the conflict and balance of liberty and order.
The inheritance of the halothane gene was shown to be in agreement with Mendel's law of segregation.
For if the inheritance comes from the law it no longer is from promise, but God granted to Abraham through promise.
Law and Constantino say their findings provide insight into the inheritance patterns of autism and its associated traits.
The successor who disclaims inheritance assumes no responsibility for the payment of taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law.
For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.
It has been insufficient of the cognizance of the value of the abandon inheritance, which makes the abandon inheritance little and indeterminate prescribed in the Inherited Law.
Originated in the ancient Roman law, the acceptance and waiver of succession has been developed into an important system in contemporary inheritance law.
This paper discusses the salt industry property division (?) types, preparation, content, characteristics of law and the relationship between division and inheritance.
The law position of the son born from concubines is lower than the son born from wives in the Canon of inheritance, the choice of marriage except distributing property.
The Special Portion System effectively balances the conflict between the interest of inheritance of the heirs at law and the testators 'freedom of dealing with their heritage.
In the Yuan dynasty, the practice of legislation and judicature was obviously affected by Mongolian customary law, for example, penalty, marriage and inheritance systems.
Gal. 3:18 For if the inheritance is of law, it is no longer of promise; but to Abraham God has graciously given it through promise.
Among the two methods of inheritance, inheritance by operation of law is still the dominant one because most of the people are accustomed to disposing of their own property after death by law.
Pedigree investigation showed that the inheritance of hybridized bands was in accordance with Mendelian law.
Chinese classical novel which generated from historical and biograhpical literature, including the factor of "history", is just the result of the law of the cultural inheritance and transformation.
The inheritance rules of medieval England were profound complex, for their widely relating to several academic fields, such as law, family and marriage.
Compared with the system of inheritance by operation of law, the system of succession ex testament a is privileged in effect.
The problems of haplotyping and haplotype frequency estimation on trio genotype data under the Mendelian law of inheritance and the assumption of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are studied in this paper.
And the heirs at law, especially the spouse, children, and parents, are entitled to the special Portion, and in this way their interest of inheritance is partly protected.
The reckoning of descent in the female line and the matriarchal law of inheritance were thereby overthrown, and the male line of descent and the paternal law of inheritance were substituted for them.
Roman trading method using a system to solve the problems of contemporary theory of corporate law, technology will be a historical inheritance law.
Methods Based on the law of inheritance and allele frequency, the powers of exclusion of STR loci in motherless parentage testing (PEM) were calculated.
However, in China, except the 28th article of Inheritance Law, there are hardly any relevant provisions about the protection of embryos' interests.
The balanced protection to the heirs'and the estate creditors'equity is not only about the national legislative intent, but also about the construction of the basic norm of inheritance law.
On the other hand, the modern people's mediation system was built on the ancient traditional culture of law. It comes out from the inheritance and transformation of the ancient mediation system.
On the other hand, the modern people's mediation system was built on the ancient traditional culture of law. It comes out from the inheritance and transformation of the ancient mediation system.