The test has shown that as the degree of profile increases, the initial modulus and the breaking strength and elongation of profile yarn decreases. We have also quined the findi...
The relations between initial tangential modulus, confining pressure, over-consolidation ratio and initial void ratio were deduced, and were proved through triaxial compression test.
METHODS: Three-dimensional finite element method was used to analyze the initial stress around screw implant of different elastic modulus and different diameter.
The impact of temperature and duration of heat treatment on the breaking strength, elongation at break, initial modulus and work to break of the fibers was investigated.
Density is the essential factor to decide the initial elastic modulus, and the elastic modulus in shear process is the result of combined action of stress status and density.
The fracture strain energy density at the high strain rate is mainly determined by the initial elastic modulus and the unstable strain and affected by the temperature and the strain rate.
Initial stress method is proposed to solve the problem of dual extension-compression elastic modulus.
However, the interface strength decreases after size scaling while the initial shear modulus increases, which cannot be ignored.
The test results show that there is a linear relationship between confining pressures and initial tangent modulus.
The initial sample deformation is mainly ordinary elastic deformation, normal elastic deformation of high modulus.
The results showed that bamboo fiber has a high initial modulus, fiber mechanical properties when wet than the dry state decreased significantly.
The static and dynamic damage to the concrete was related as a function of the difference in the initial elastic modulus for static and dynamic loading conditions.
Based on the experimental study, volume creep compliance, volume relaxation modulus and their main curves and initial void content of solid propellant are given.
A dynamic damage constitutive model was developed accounting for the effect of the initial elastic modulus of the concrete for dynamic analyses of concrete structures.
The results showed the loss rates of stress, initial modulus and breaking work were more than 44%, 65% and 51% after hydrothermal aging test respectively;
Water content wand initial average principal stress pm0 have significant influences on the initial dynamic shear modulus of undisturbed loess under the condition of pre-shearing stresses.
The bundle tensile testing (SIROLAN - TENSOR) is used to identify damages of strength, strain, rupture work, and initial modulus of tops before and after dyeing.
With the increasing of bond strength between soil particles, the initial elastic modulus and peak strength of talus deposit go up at a certain level.
The tensile strength and initial modulus were remarkably decreased and the breaking elongation and flexibility of grafted fiber were increased.
The interval of the initial stresses and elastic modulus can be obtained by using the constrained variable metric method for the present model.
The interval of the initial stresses and elastic modulus can be obtained by using the constrained variable metric method to solve the present model.
The degrees of effects of water content wand initial average principal stress pm0 on the dynamic shear modulus of undisturbed loess reduce under the condition of pre-shearing stresses.
The degrees of effects of water content wand initial average principal stress pm0 on the dynamic shear modulus of undisturbed loess reduce under the condition of pre-shearing stresses.