The institutional factor, though to some extent external, still performs a crucial role in that the explicit conducts are actually the manifestation of the writers'internal factors.
Now what's driving it is the institutional self-interest factor, where bigger pools mean you're more popular, you're better.
Now what’s driving it is the institutional self-interest factor, where bigger pools mean you’re more popular, you’re better.
The article first of all analyzes the features of this cultural factor and then the historical roots of its generation and survival and makes an institutional analysis of it.
In the course of the institutional change, the change of balanced institution which is adapted to the actual circumstances is the decisive factor of the structural efficiency of dynamic institution.
The reason for causing decision mistake is complicated, but chief among them is decision institutional factor and decision maker factor.
The important external factor that the financial staff use their posts to carry out criminal activities is lack of institutional design, weak implementation and untight check -up.
In our present stage, the various factors which influence personal income disparity includes that the institutional reason, the worker's individual reason, and moreover the market system's factor.
After our country joins WTO, it is its basic factor of surviving that the listed company only makes substantive progress in institutional improvement.
Therefore, in view of the scope economy, institutional type can be an important factor in assessing the internal efficiency of HEIs.
Some cases therefore apeared diffcult in implementation, besides domestic factor of losing party, some inherent institutional defects of Dispute Settlement Understanding may be the important factor.
The core factor of transition hospital pharmacy and clinical pharmacist were establishment clinical pharmacist institutional.
The theory of Law and Finance focuses on two research directions:one highlights the influence of law, as an institutional factor, upon conducts of subjects of finance;
The assets of enterprise is a relationship of bond, while knowledge-based assets is the result of institutional arrangement concerning the right for using knowledge factor.
The third part analyzed our country finance to owe the transparent reason and the influence, has carried on the comprehensive analysis to the financial transparency institutional factor.
Ownership structure plays a fundamental role in terms of corporate governance and therefore is an important factor determining the whole institutional arrangement of corporate governance.
Ownership structure plays a fundamental role in terms of corporate governance and therefore is an important factor determining the whole institutional arrangement of corporate governance.